Chapter 297

As soon as Wallace heard that, he got so angry that he nearly fainted. ‘Why did I even provoke him for no reason? Things are even worse now! Not only am I injured, I even gave Miss Sheila and Severin a chance to be alone! And if I can’t see Miss Sheila for half a month, I can’t imagine what Severin would do to try and curry favor with her again.”

Four men carried him into the car, which soon drove off.

“Hehe, he overestimated himself!” Lillie could not help but chuckle as she watched the car drive away. “Then again, he should be honored to receive his injuries from our master. Many people don’t even get the chance to fight him!”

Wendy agreed. “Yeah! That bodyguard is really ignorant! He thinks he’s strong!”

liked was so charming that even the bodyguards had become his fans. After

looked at Severin and said embarra*singly, “By the way, savior, you said earlier that my father has a serious illness. Is that true? My father seems to be quite healthy to me though. He doesn’t look

the other day


a feeling, and he’s not being modest either. He is genuinely sick, but

illness, savior. It sounds serious when you put it that way. Will you be free later? Is it okay if you come by my place and treat

“Don’t worry. Nothing serious will happen to your father. There are some things I have to handle tonight, so I think I should treat him on another day. I promise to visit your house and make him better again. Is that alright

Sheila breathed a sigh of relief when she

don’t you take me for a walk outside? We can chat while we walk.” Sheila stole another

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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