Chapter 298

Aside from a few lanes for cars to come and out, there were also some walking paths that had a lot of flowers and plants planted all around. The tranquility of the place made it perfect for those who wished to take a stroll and feel at peace with nature. Walking on the path gave Severin a sense of calmness and a rare moment of relaxation.

Sheila, on the other hand, felt elated and her emotions were like that of someone who had. fallen in love for the first time. After all, she had never been in a relationship before, and she felt a little nervous when walking beside the handsome Severin.

“Ahem, umm…do you mind sharing with me what happened to you in the past, and how you managed to meet your wife?” Sheila broke the silence after deciding to ask him.

Severin beamed with a sweet smile at the corner of his lips when he spoke about Diane, and he could not help but say, “Hehe, it’s thanks to these two despicable people named Easton and Lucy that I got to meet Diane. If it weren’t for them, I don’t think I’d have the chance to meet. such a good wife!” He told Sheila the truth as he slowly recalled the events of the year past.

she gritted her teeth angrily and said, “They’re the worst! Now I understand why you went to Lucy’s wedding to cause trouble! She’s horrible and inhumane! I’d kill her right now if I were you! She truly is the worst person on earth! You’re really lucky to have met a good woman like Diane

at that moment. “I genuinely admire her. She has gone through so much pressure, suffered so many wrongs, and endured everything alone for so many years. If I were in her shoes, I

to her for all the suffering she’s been through. I love her very

other, and hearing what you said about Lucy and Easton makes me so infuriated! I feel like hiring someone to kill them both! It’ll be hard. for me not to feel angry unless they’re

merely smiled. and said, “Hehe, that won’t be necessary. Killing them isn’t difficult at all, but death is much. too light a punishment for them. After all, they made my parents live in fear for years, so I want them to sink into the depths of despair!” Severin pondered over Sheila’s earlier remark and said, “An idea just came to me, Miss Sheila. If you do want to help me, you can find a way to help me put pressure on the Loughs. It’ll be even better if their

when Severin asked Larry for a*sistance, he was told that Draco Hall’s businesses leaned more toward bars, ma*sage parlors, some bathhouses, and similar industries, all of which had nothing

and Lucy, those punishments were only the

I’ll just have to tell my parents. The reason why the Loughs have done well in the past few years is mainly because of their cooperation

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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