Chapter 2326

The Silver Moon Grass's value needed no further explanation.

That that moment, Severin's breathing quickened. He rushed over in a streak of light, tearing through the air with an explosive sonic boom.

In the blink of an eye, Severin had reached the location where the Silver Moon Grass was growing. Overwhelmed with joy, he exclaimed, "I would never have thought that I'd find an eighth-grade herb here!"

Severin then delicately harvested the Silver Moon Grass along with its soil and placed it carefully in a box to preserve its potent medicinal properties.

discovery of one stalk in the Starry Sky Battlespace was simply astonishing for Severin.

the Silver Moon Grass secured in the box and stowed within his spatial ring, Severin eagerly extended his divine senses across planets' surface once more. His luck seemed to run out right then and there, as no

jade slip and studied the map within. After a while, he opened his eyes and glanced at his body for a moment before opening his eyes again. His objective lay in the deeper recesses of the Starry Sky Battlespace. With his goals clear, he

from the void. He reacted swiftly and deployed his Green Shield to deflect the unexpected attack. He narrowed his

in a hoarse voice, "My, what sharp senses you have! I guess it shouldn't come as a surprise that

the azure shield tightly. He noticed the level five paragon aura emanating from the figure along with a dark demonic energy surrounding him. Those factors alone allowed Severin to determine that the man was

I have no grudges against you. Why

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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