Chapter 2325

Drawing upon the information provided by the map, Severin muttered to himself, 'Perhaps there are seventh- grade herbs on this planet too." He was a seventh-grade medium-rank alchemist, so any ordinary sixth-grade herbs were useless for him. Only seventh-grade herbs could ignite Severin's interest enough to warrant action. He hoped that the herbs on the planet ahead held sufficient quality to meet his exacting demands. It would be disappointing if all of them were sixth-grade herbs.

With that thought in mind, Severin quelled his restless anticipation and descended to the planet's surface. As he landed on the planet, the scene before him was a vast stretch of vegetation. The air surrounding him was exceptionally fresh, though not as rich in spiritual energy as the Grandiuno Sect. Nevertheless, it was still much better than other regions of the Starry Sky Battlespace which lacked even the tiniest trace of spiritual energy. After taking a deep breath of the invigorating air, a sense of contentment washed over Severin. "The concentration of spiritual energy here seems promising. There might even be some seventh-grade herbs here." Severin unleashed his divine senses to cover the entire planetary surface. He methodically scanned each inch, hoping to unearth the prized herbs. Before long, traces of the herbs began to surface as he began to pick up on the fourth-grade, fifth-grade, and sixth-grade herbs.

In a matter of minutes, Severin located the first seventh-grade herb. It grew in a precarious position on a cliff, and it seemed to be a white-flowered orchid. The medicinal fragrance emitting from it was rather strong, and there was even a subtle spiritual glow there.

its strongest. Its medicinal properties were rather potent, as it was able to enhance one's solar spirit and blood energy, not to mention serving as a key ingredient in refining numerous seventh-grade herbs. In terms of healing wounds, the Moonlight Orchid possessed a unique ability to restore one's solar spirit and defy the odds of recovery as long as one's life was

journeyed to the herb's location without hesitation and promptly harvested it. He then continued to comb the entire planet for additional seventh-grade herbs, but his luck seemed to disappear abruptly as even an

isn't a sign that my fortunes are taking a turn for

the planet's far side had been noticed by his divine senses. It was nine inches tall and exuded

the unexpected find, Severin's body trembled as he said, 'This... this is the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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