Gravis could finally release a sigh of relief. He was safe now. The peace that he and Skye were striving for had finally arrived. They would still need to strive for their own strength and resources, but they were at least not hunted anymore. With this, they could finally take a breather.

The expert from the Lightning Guild looked with terror at Aion. He wanted to say something and defend his actions, but he couldn't say anything, no matter how hard he tried. Aion's heavenly pressure made him unable to even speak.

Aion smirked and lifted his right hand. A green ball of water appeared on his hand, and it shot at Gravis and Skye. Gravis wasn't panicked, because he could feel the Life Energy radiating from the water. The water hit their bodies and quickly entered.

Gravis felt how his body was screaming in ecstasy and how it started ravenously absorbing the Life Energy. All his wounds, scars, broken skin, torn muscles, and scorched organs were pushed out of his body. Healthy skin, muscle, and organs rapidly grew and replaced the old ones. From a state of near-death, Gravis' body got fully healed in less than a minute.

Gravis slowly stood up, looking at his "old body", which was lying around him. He could see all his previously injured body parts laying on the floor, while he had been fully healed. That was a bizarre sight. Gravis looked over to Skye and also saw how it shouted in excitement, as the same happened to it. Just like that, all their injuries vanished. The water element was really incredible in healing.

The expert from the Lightning Guild didn't even notice how Gravis and Skye got healed. He only felt deep fear for his life, and he tried his absolute best to beg for his life. Yet, no matter how hard he tried, it was futile. Aion looked at Gravis with a warm smile and nodded.

Even if Gravis felt great right now, he wouldn't forget to be careful. No one knew that he was not a Heavenborn, and he had to keep the act up. If Aion found out, Gravis wouldn't even know how he had died. Gravis bowed slightly to Aion in thanks.

Aion turned back to the expert from the Lightning Guild, and his warm smile transformed into a cold smirk. "Trying to murder someone in the Heaven Sect. You truly have humongous guts," he commented, waiting for the expert to answer.

to answer, but couldn't. Aion simply continued looking at him. "You have no defense for your actions? Well, this makes it simpler," he said calmly. A couple of bright yellow rings on Aion's waist

appeared at their edges. After some seconds, six rotating ice rings flew around Aion. Aion


the body of the expert of the Lightning Guild. The expert couldn't move, and the rings sliced his body into multiple parts. He had never thought that he would die here when he had accepted the mission to cut off Gravis' path towards the Heaven Sect. This was supposed to be an easy mission!


all the accumulated Energy in a corpse would return to nature via the natural way of decomposition. The Energy would slowly seep out of the

being an Energy Gathering Realm cultivator, and what he felt now, shocked him deeply. Most of

"I've been waiting for

senior brother,"

when he remembered something. He turned towards the walls. "Starting today, Gravis is no longer a wanted criminal," he said, and his voice got carried into the distance. All the disciples of the Fire Guild and Lightning Guild in the surroundings

helplessness. If they were stronger, then who could stop them

a grin. He walked towards the building, but stopped and looked at Skye with interest. Skye felt all its feathers stand up in fear. It had seen how powerful the Lightning Guild's expert was, and it had also seen how effortlessly Aion had killed that expert.

took a step back, lowered its head, and looked to the side. Aion saw the sign of submission and released a short "Oh?". He started rubbing his chin

an impressive Hurricane Hawk you got there, junior brother," he praised and then walked to the building. "It can fly around anywhere, but it is not allowed to come into the building. Try to make it

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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