Gravis followed Aion as they walked through the Heaven Sect. All the decorations that Gravis saw were lavish. Nearly every decoration was made out of gold or Energy Stones, and an expensive, bright-red carpet went through the whole building. Expensive chandeliers hung from the ceiling, and lots of well-drawn paintings adorned the wall. Gravis guessed that not even a king would have that much money.

Aion saw how Gravis was looking around and laughed. "We are Heavenborn and therefore blessed by karmic luck. The money is just rolling in, and we don't even know what to do with it," he explained. "Even though we invested so much into our decorations, our storages are still fully packed with more wealth. We have no idea what to do with it. It's even crazier in our headquarters in the Core-Continent."

Gravis looked around and felt utterly disconnected from reality. He never had wealth at his disposal, and Heaven always stopped him from gaining more. The only exception was the time back in the Proxy-Lightning Guild. Normally, He had just enough to increase his strength, and he only got those resources by risking his life.

Gravis couldn't empathize with the luck and all the wealth that the Heaven Sect had. They were lacking nothing and had everything, and he had never felt anything like that. When he was younger, he lacked strength and the permission to cultivate. When he started cultivating, he lacked resources to increase his strength. He had always lacked something that stopped him in his way forward. He couldn't emotionally process that he now "belonged" to such a tycoon sect.

Of course, Gravis had to play it cool not to awaken suspicion, and outwardly showed a sense of pride. He was acting like everything here was thanks to him. Gravis felt disgusted with himself since that contradicted his core beliefs, but there was nothing he could do against that right now. He needed strength. Beggars couldn't be choosers.

Aion smiled at Gravis as they continued walking. "We can have everything, but we also have to do our work," he continued. "Do you first want to relax for a while or go straight to work?" he asked as he looked at Gravis.

When one was continually lying, even an innocent question reeked of danger, and Gravis was unsure how to answer right now. "I am unused to something like this," Gravis said. "Heaven has always granted me lots of enemies and opportunities. That's how I managed to become so strong, so quickly. I heard that will is very important from others, and maybe Heaven has helped me with that?" Gravis asked with an unsure tone. He had decided to mix truth with lies.

Aion just laughed. "No, that's not what Heaven was doing, but I can't fault you for not knowing. It's your first time here, after all," Aion said with a smile. "Will is important for normal cultivators."

Aion turned around to Gravis and smirked at him. "But, it is useless to us."

Gravis was surprised. "How so? Everyone stronger than me always said that the will was one of the most important things for cultivators," Gravis asked innocently. "How is it different for us?"

Aion just continued smiling as he walked. "Have you ever heard of the concept behind a Will-Aura?" Aion asked.

Gravis asked confusedly and then thought about his

who have hunted me, had shown something similar to my Heavenly Pressure. Is that a Will-Aura?" Gravis asked as he remembered the leader of the hit-squad from the Lightning Guild. Gravis had immediately felt his strong will when

life and death

it is impossible to have a Will-Aura," Aion continued with a smile. "Our Heavenly Pressure is a Will-Aura conferred by Heaven, and we receive it when we step into the

Gravis nodded.

ours," Aion explained

and ecstatic. "Heaven is so powerful that our Heavenly Pressure is always the strongest? So, no one can have a stronger Will-Aura than me?"

rubbed his chin in thought. "Practically, yes, but theoretically, no," he said, and Gravis looked at him in shock. "Heaven grants us the strongest Will-Aura that our bodies and mind can manage. The reason why it is not stronger is that, as you know, keeping

a smile, as they continued walking, side by side. "Heaven could, theoretically, give you a Will-Aura as strong as the strongest person in this world, but you couldn't keep it up for even a split-second, before your

always grants us the perfect mix of intensity and concentration usage. A Will-Aura, on the other hand, does not require any concentration. So, theoretically, someone could have the strongest Will-Aura in the world

Will-Aura? You have to know that creating a Will-Aura requires many genuine

and big families groom people with a strong

get enemies for their heirs that are not too weak or too strong. Then, the heirs would need to win continually. Some big sects have tried it in the past,

"But what about the ones who managed to form their

So, of those who have managed to create one, most died while training their will further, while the remainder didn't increase it. Up until the middle of Magic Gathering, they reigned supreme, but then they

that includes us. As soon as we reach Magic Gathering, our Heavenly Pressure is just as strong as their

a proud expression. "So, there are no people with stronger Will-Auras

a supremely strong Will-Aura, Heaven tells us, and we go kill them. No one is allowed to

own rules, which it normally, regularly broke without a care. If Gravis didn't have his father behind him, Heaven

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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