"So, anyway," said Aion as he went back to the original topic. "Do you want to start working immediately or first relax for a couple of days?" he asked.

Gravis looked at Aion with burning eyes. "Heaven has sent me a lot of opportunities, and I want to repay it. I want to work!" Gravis said. Gravis was unsure what work the Heaven Sect even had. What were they supposed to do?

Aion smiled and nodded. "Alright, then let's first go to the storage area," he said as he changed their direction. Gravis followed, and they walked through multiple thick doors until they arrived at a reception desk, which was unoccupied. Aion didn't seem to mind and walked around the desk to a door behind it. He opened the door.


As soon as Aion unlocked the door, a wave of gold pushed the door open and flowed out. Gravis had to shield his eyes from the sudden bright shine of gold. Gold was absolutely everywhere, and when Gravis looked into the door, he could only see a wall of gold. Aion saw this and groaned.

"Ugh, every time with this damn gold!" Aion grumbled in annoyance. The gold around him started floating, and a path was created through the wall of gold. The storage room was so full that one had to dig through the gold. Luckily, Aion was in the Spirit Forming Realm and could just create a space for them.

Gravis' mind was a wild mess right now. He had thought that Aion was joking when he had said that the gold was even bursting out of their storage rooms. Aion was, apparently, very serious when he had said that. The gold was literally flowing out of the door. They were not walking through the storage room but digging through it. Gravis was surrounded by gold, and without Aion, he would have already been buried.

After a while, Aion unveiled a bookcase behind a wall of gold, and Aion started looking through the books. He quickly found what he was looking for and threw the book over his shoulder, to Gravis. Gravis caught it and looked at it. The cover of the book looked like a cloudy sky, and the title of the book read: "Heaven's Balance Cultivation Technique".

"That's our cultivation technique," said Aion, as he turned back to Gravis. "Only our Heaven Sect is allowed to train in that cultivation technique. This was bestowed to us by Heaven, and it was meant to be used by us. Everyone not from the Heaven Sect that trains in this gets destroyed by Heaven."

probably the best cultivation technique in this whole lower world.

laughed. "You're our junior brother, and every Heavenborn in the Heaven Sect trains in this technique. Why shouldn't I give this to you?"

made him feel that all of this was unreal. Heaven had suppressed him all the way and never allowed him to gain anything easily. It used everyone and everything to leave Gravis with as few cultivation resources as

now, Gravis had basically used Heaven's most reliable pawn to get something that was probably worth more than everything he had missed out in this world. Gravis felt a deep feeling of

of Heaven's schemes? Gravis was 100% sure that it was not. Something this valuable would never be used as a gambling chip, even if Heaven was 99% sure that Gravis couldn't survive

What did it do?

it have immense attack

have an unbreakable

it have an

it increase Gravis' fighting strength in any way?

a slain enemy. That was what Aion had done when he had killed the expert from the Lightning Guild. 90% of the Energy went back into nature, while Aion absorbed

was this

of a cultivator was divided into two categories: The Cultivation Realm and

and couldn't compete for resources. If that person needed that resource, then other people on a similar Realm would likely also need that. Like this, the person without battle

than the cultivator could just overpower the cultivator. Yet, those people would typically not

One had to go into seclusion and consume a lot

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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