Gravis ran to the north with his full speed. He knew the power of someone at the Spirit Forming Realm very well. If a Spirit Forming Realm expert only had their Energy and their physical strength to fight, then Gravis might have a chance of killing the opponent, but those things were not the main advantage that someone in the Spirit Forming Realm had over people below them.

The most significant advantage was the Spirit in itself. As an Energy Gathering Realm cultivator, Gravis could only use his element in a one-dimensional way. He could use his lightning to move faster and to attack the enemy. Compared to that, someone at the Spirit Forming Realm could create figures, patterns, objects, and other things with their element.

Back then, that one disciple of the Lightning Guild had created lightning nets in front of Gravis and had controlled those remotely. The only reason why Gravis managed to survive against that person was that they were multiple kilometers apart.

That distance had given Gravis enough time to react appropriately. If such an expert fought with Gravis in close quarters, Gravis would probably die. He could only survive if he had incredible luck, and well… Gravis didn't trust his luck.

On top of that, it wouldn't be enough if Gravis only won. Winning and killing were two entirely different things. Winning a fight meant that one was stronger than the opponent. This didn't exclude the possibility of retreat. The opponent could still flee and come back later.

If the enemy were a Spirit Forming Realm expert and they retreated, Gravis would be in for a bad time. If Gravis won in a fight but didn't kill the person, they could just follow him from some kilometers distance and attack him with their element remotely.

The enemy could shoot and control their attacks from a distance and rest when they wanted, while Gravis had to defend passively. Gravis wouldn't be able to rest, while the Spirit Forming Realm expert had time to rest.

Gravis also wouldn't be able to attack the person from that distance. Gravis didn't have a formed Spirit, which meant that he couldn't feel his opponent if they tried to hide. No Spirit Forming expert would be stupid enough to allow the Energy in the air to give them away.

death. Gravis might have a humongous Energy storage thanks to the Pre-Forming Technique, but his physical stamina and concentration couldn't be kept up forever. He would never be able to rest, while

reasons, Gravis needed to kill the expert. If he didn't kill the enemy, he would

if I hurry up, I should be able to get to the Wind Wall in about an hour. I only have a

between the Middle-Continent and the Core-Continent. The Core-Continent was circular and was surrounded by a deep gorge going all around it. The Energy with higher density from the Core-Continent met the

something like that wouldn't be noticeable. There hadn't been an issue with the transition from the Outer-Continent to the Middle-Continent, after all. The thing that made everything different this time

away from the gorge, creating an Energy-free spot for a very short time. In that short time-frame, more Energy from the Core-Continent would slip by and fall into the

with the strength to annihilate people at the Energy Gathering Realm. Only people in the Spirit Forming Realm could safely traverse the Wind Wall. That was also why weaker people were always accompanied by people in

Synchronicity. Only with the help of such a natural, violent wind would Gravis be able to kill someone

and Destruction Lightning, I should have the same speed as a new Spirit Forming Realm cultivator that didn't reach the tenth level of Energy Gathering. I don't believe that I am saying this, but I am actually lucky that

reach the Wind Wall without any issues. If they have the lightning element, I might need to resist

an issue. Of course, he never managed to leave the area of the enemy's Spirit. It was evident that the person was following

thing that Gravis could glean from this voice was that

thoughts, so he couldn't answer. He also didn't want to shout loudly since

running to the Heaven Sect for safety. Though, I can also understand why you didn't run there. It's pretty far

he was a Heavenborn, which meant that the person had such an intense enmity with Gravis that he didn't mind dying if it meant killing Gravis. For the life of him, Gravis wasn't able to think of any person in the Spirit Forming Realm that wanted him to die so badly. The only exception would be Aion, but if it were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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