'Great, someone from the Wind Guild. Reaching the Wind Wall has just become way more difficult. I wonder if Heaven planned so far ahead that it knew I would flee to the Wind Wall. If I guess correctly, this should be Wendy's father. This whole thing had been months ago. Was Heaven able to plan this far ahead? Honestly, I'm not sure,' Gravis thought to himself.

"If I guess correctly," Gravis said, "you should be Wendy's father, correct? I think your Guild Master has said your name before. Saron, was it?"

When Gravis had said "Wendy", a cold gleam appeared in Saron's eyes, but that was replaced by his surprise. He hadn't expected that Gravis knew his name. He chuckled lightly. "Yes, my name is Saron. I am surprised you know it," he said casually.

"I am actually more surprised by you appearing," said Gravis. "I was sure that Wendy's goodbye-letter would have stopped you from going after me. That was her goal, after all. She didn't want us to become enemies."

Saron got a little confused after Gravis said that and narrowed his eyes. "There was no goodbye letter," he said.

Now, it was Gravis' turn to be surprised. No goodbye-letter? But he had seen how Wendy nailed it to a tree. Why wouldn't he know about this goodbye-letter? Suddenly, Gravis' eyes widened, and then they narrowed in fury. "Was this your doing again, Heaven?!" Gravis shouted aggressively at the sky.

The sky didn't react. Instead, it was Saron who reacted, by looking with shock at Gravis. Did Gravis just aggressively shout at Heaven? Was he suicidal? As they continued running, Saron looked at the sky, but nothing seemed to happen. This surprised him even more. What was going on? Why was Gravis still alive?

"What are you talking about?" Saron asked. His goal was killing Gravis, and he had Gravis on the palm of his hand. Gravis couldn't escape anymore, so he wasn't in a hurry to kill him.

Gravis gnashed his teeth furiously. "This fucking Heaven always tries all this shit to kill me. Wendy had nailed a goodbye-letter to a nearby tree where she explained everything about her life and her decisions. Have you not seen her body? Does her body look like we fought?" Gravis asked.

Saron narrowed his eyes further, but he also remembered that Wendy's body was fully intact when they found it. There were also no traces of a fight. The more he thought about it, the stranger it seemed. "So, what is this all about? You said my daughter had a reason for all of her actions?"

Heaven's bullshit. "Yes. Why do you think she specifically targeted me? If she just had an enmity with the Heaven Sect in general, she could have just killed some people. Instead, she specifically only insulted me. There was a reason why she wanted to meet me, and she told me all the things she kept

the wind blew Gravis' hair away, but nothing more.

didn't tell you. She didn't want to hurt you with everything that happened to her. You

Gravis know about Wendy's husband from the Outer-Continent?

to her and the thoughts

Wendy's experiences at that point. He told those things with as much detail as possible to get more time while running. He couldn't trust that this would deter Saron. He had to make this story as long as

By now, Saron looked crestfallen at the rapidly moving ground below him. This whole thing hurt him immensely. He had thought that

didn't know that Wendy wanted to take revenge on Heaven. When she went out to temper herself, he thought that she had realized that strength was the most important thing. He hadn't

like he had failed as a father. In his mind, it had been his duty to protect his daughter from harm. How bad would a father have to screw-up so that his daughter wanted

that nothing could've helped her? Yes, her love had died, but that happened to a lot of people. It was the biggest hit emotionally if one's life-partner

some of his bearings. "So, Wendy saw her opportunity

had noticed how I insulted Heaven, yet still lived. You've also seen me insult it some time ago. Do you think

Wendy. By now, Saron believed Gravis that there should have been a goodbye-letter. Everything made sense. The only open question was

took a deep, emotional sigh. "Would you mind telling me how you can insult Heaven like this? Can you help others to do the same?" he asked. He tried to control the emotions in his voice, but his eyes gave him away. Deep in his heart, he started hating Heaven, just

Yet, if it happened to oneself, the whole matter would change. Heaven hadn't treated Wendy fairly, and Saron wouldn't forgive Heaven for

Heaven had noticed what was going on, and all of Saron's karmic luck had vanished just now. Heaven had realized that Saron was its enemy.

noticed your hatred

all his karmic

wait for Saron to answer and continued. "I can see the karmic luck of others because I am the only human without it. Without karmic luck, you will meet one calamity after another, but that is not a sure death sentence. If you manage

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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