The Vice-Guild Master quickly called a smith from the Earth Guild over, and they started forging. The smith from the Earth Guild was, surprisingly, also a Spirit Forming Expert. Gravis was quite surprised when he saw that. The elemental guilds generally only had three experts at the Spirit Forming Stage.

Did that mean that a Vice-Guild Master from the Earth Guild was inside the Fire Guild? If that were true, it would probably also mean that one of the Fire Guild's Vice-Guild Masters was in the Earth Guild. This showed how interconnected the two guilds were.

Gravis was also happy that his board would be forged by the most experienced and strongest smiths in the Fire Guild. It was definitely worth the high price. Gravis went outside to wait for them since there was no reason in him waiting inside the smithy. This would probably take a while. Speaking of taking a while, Gravis decided that he should probably ask how long this would take.

Gravis asked the Vice-Guild Master, and he answered that since this was something completely new, they would probably take around two days to finish the first one. Deciding that there was no reason for him to just twiddle his thumbs for two days, Gravis went ahead to finish his last task in the Middle-Continent. Two days were more than enough for that.

He told the smiths that he would return in around a day and then left the Fire Guild. His next target was pretty close, and he only needed around two hours to get there. With the exception of robbing the wealth of the Heaven Sect, this was the task he looked forward to the most.

After two hours of running, Gravis finally arrived at his target. It was a gigantic mountain with a cave that was guarded by two people in earthen-yellow robes.

It was the Earth Guild.

annoying them back. Killing them? This possibility didn't even cross his mind. Some dickish behavior didn't warrant a genocide.

As he had thought, one of the Spirits of the experts radiated a fierce fire, which meant that this guy was from the Fire

to do with you, so just stay to the side," Gravis sent to the Vice-Guild Master

had already felt Gravis' Spirit and had been guessing why he was here. He quickly received Gravis' message, making him narrow his eyes. An expert at the Spirit Forming Realm wouldn't send such a message if they didn't have some enmity with the Earth Guild. This might be a problem. The Fire Guild needed the Earth Guild to

resided in their Spirit, so feeling the Spirit also gave people an inkling of the will. The expert had never felt a

the Energy inside Gravis' body, which was not even close to the amount someone would have in their dantian when they reached the Spirit Forming Realm. When Gravis had visited the Lightning Guild, his body had still been at the tenth level of Energy Gathering, which had given the illusion that Gravis only had as much Energy as someone at

his breakthrough, the inherent Energy inside his body had increased, now being about as much as someone at the seventh level of Energy Gathering would have. Someone with a formed Spirit that only had the equivalent Energy of

lightning, making it impossible for them to feel the enormous amount of lightning inside Gravis' dantian. If he could feel that, most of his questions would

politely. In his mind, he had just stepped into a situation where he would most likely die, but he didn't back down. He was from the Fire


Guild was shocked but then sighed in relief. "I'm glad to hear

"You don't have to worry about that. You might enjoy what you will

Gravis' messages to the Guild Master and Vice-Guild Master of the Earth Guild.

to Gravis, aggressively. Obviously, Gravis was not here

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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