The three experts didn't know what they should think about that. On one point, apparently, some of their disciples had "annoyed" the new arrival, and he only wanted to annoy them back. Inherently, there was nothing wrong about that.

Yet, on the other side, this was wholly different if Gravis annoyed them back. The disciples of the Earth Guild had been inside their own guild. If they did something minorly wrong here, it was still understandable. It was their home, after all.

Previously, Gravis had walked inside, and he hadn't been stopped from leaving. The Earth Guild wasn't required to accept every visitor into their house. It was their property, so, of course, they could also throw the visitor out.

Yet, if Gravis, as an outsider, came into their guild and did whatever he wanted, it would be a humiliation! He did not live here, yet he wanted to barge into their property and home to antagonize them. This was a humiliation! Could they still lift their heads in front of others when random people could just walk into their home and arrogantly humiliate their disciples?

"Even if they have been unfriendly to you, you were the visitor while they were in their home. It is our right to throw out visitors! I won't allow you to humiliate us!" sent the Guild Master to Gravis.

Now, Gravis felt a little annoyed. "There is a difference between telling someone that they should leave, and purposely inviting them into your home and then being as big of a dick as possible. If you had wanted me to leave, you shouldn't have allowed me to enter in the first place!" Gravis sent back.

The Guild Master sneered. "So? We are the Earth Guild, part of the Earth Sect, and we accept every path that anyone had chosen! We agree to talk with anyone, even if we don't want to. Don't turn the respect we have shown you, by inviting you in, into a devious plot!"

the Guild Master knew that his guild shouldn't have done that. They should have been honest from the very beginning. Yet, he couldn't allow Gravis to just come in and humiliate them. Even if he believed otherwise, he had to remain stalwart now! He had to protect

You won't accept it when you are wrong and blame others. You'd rather break than bend! Under normal circumstances, I would admire an attitude like this, but

and one Vice-Guild Master in outrage. The Vice-Guild Master of the Fire Guild had smartly kept

insults is that I don't want to destroy our home

showed him a supreme display of hypocrisy. The lightning inside his mind abhorred

comparison to back when he had still been in the Proxy-Lightning Guild, Gravis still retained his rational mind and had noticed this happening. Even though he grew angry, he still decided against killing them. A disagreement, even if justified, was not reason enough to kill people. There were

of you can fight me at the same

reached the Spirit Forming Realm and thought himself invincible already! The Guild Master and Vice-Guild Master had been in the Spirit Forming Realm for many

been in this Realm for decades, making them very familiar with their power. Someone who had recently broken through, like Gravis, had no chance against them. On top of that, they were two, while Gravis

Master followed him in anger while the Vice-Guild

that their fight wouldn't damage the Earth Guild, and

kilometers. There was no way that the Earth Guild would get damaged from this

in anger. Gravis simply sneered at them. "Took you long enough.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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