Chapter 211

“re a news channel. Aren’t we supposed to report based on the facts and keep a

“Good press? Chloe asked, confused. “Sir, we’re ; neutral standpoint?”

Telford’s expression darkened at once. “Are you questioning my orders? Do as you’re told unless you want to be dropped!”

Chloe fell silent, biting her lip. “I understand, Mister Gills.”

“Chloe, you’ve got to know that there’s more to this job than just reporting. Connections are important to remain in this line of work, got it?” Telford said.

Chloe took a deep breath. “Got it, Mister Gills.”

“Thank you,

Mister Gills”

Chloe returned to her desk, her expression one of misery.

She understood Telford’s intentions, but reporting with a blas did not align with her work ethic at all.

A while later, she let out a sigh and decided to do the interview first.

around her neck and

Telford leaned back in his chair, sipping his tea

had paid him good money for this, and

set his sights on Chloe for a

to be young. She was not only pretty, but brimming with energy, unlike Telford, old and dull all

have his fun with

would happen sooner or later. As long as she remained working in the Television Broadcast station, she would be in the


to the hospital with

kapay to

ward then. Chloe told her why she was there, and Sherry was

to get into an accident. The passenger in the backseat of the car that had

and phrases related to the incident. Sherry was almost certain that the perpetrator was one of Cape’s higher-ups, trying to cover the incident by abusing the company’s

her without even getting

this. “Is

That’s about it. I’in honestly so scared right now,”

make sure you’re protected as long as

Sherry nodded weakly.



The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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