Chapter 212

Chloe uploaded whatever she had done onto her claud storage, getting ready to work overtime at home.

She got into her car and drove out of the television broadcast station, heading home.

Just then, Telford’s car drove past her and turned the other way.

Chloe was a little confused. That wasn’t the road he usually took to go home.

Somehow, Chloe’s intuition told her to follow after him.

Just like that, she tracked him from a distance and followed him all the way to a private club.

Telford get out of the car. A middle aged man came out of the club and greeted him warmly, and the two men walked inside.

Chloe sat in her car. Why did that g

I guy look so familiar?

She racked her brains, but nothing came to mind.

it hit

whipped out her phone and tapped furiously, finally pulling

was Jordan Pavian, vice chairman

know Jordan Pavian, and why are

she jumped excitedly and exclaimed to herself, “Could this have to do with Sherry

up with current news, she knew that Joy Corp and Cape International had been in fierce competition over who would get


that was the case, this would be a pretty

each other, and a nobody like her should

was a journalist at heart, and could not bring herself to forget

then finally gritted her teeth and got out of her car, walking toward the

Someone stopped her

“My station director

Chiloe briefly, then chuckled

way, which room is he

Would you like me to show you?”

I can

blindly for a while before finally

a standalone private room with a window on the door. She turned

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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