Chapter 55


Wilbur glanced at Edward. “You aren’t any match for him, but I am. I’d like to see if he dares lay a finger on me.”

The classmates were at a loss for words.

None of them had expected Wilbur, who had been silent the whole time, to have such nerves.

Anyone could tell that Edward did not dare to mess with Mister Torrent, but here Wilbur was, doing exactly just that.


Nancy tugged at Wilbur’s shirt, trying to get him to shut up.

Wilbur turned and smiled at Nancy, urging her to calm down before he turned to look back at Steve.

For a second, Steve was actually a little intimidated by Wilbur’s confidence.

He only regained his bravado a second later, shouting, “How dare you! You’re asking for death, aren’t you?”

one who dies, you know. The Torrents don’t seem like that much of

more than just a beating. I

Come at me, then,” Wilbur said, unimpressed.

was truly furious now. Things

one of the three biggest clans in Seechertown and was not to be ridiculed like

very well what would happen to disrespectful people like

to what Edward had just done, this

at Wilbur. “You foolish and ignorant piece of shit. I dare you to come with me to

Mister Torrent.”

his classmates, considering

into a fight in front of all these

reconnected with.

He did not want to see his classmates

look at Mister Torrent for myself and see if

Come with me.” Steve

pulled at him nervously. “Don’t go. You’ll get into trouble on your own.”

fine. They wouldn’t be able to do anything to me. Carry on with your meal. I’ll be back in a bit.”

and the other classmates, Wilbur strode out

entering the room with Wilbur in

and hurried to say, “We’ll

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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