Chapter 56

Chapter 56


Will looked at Steve, who bowed to him before saying, “Sir, I was going to bring the guys who beat Mister Sage over, but this idiot here insulted the Torrent clan, so I brought him over first. I’ll let you take care of him first before we go back and teach those other bastards a lesson.”

Will’s expression darkened immediately after hearing those words. He stared at Wilbur coldly. “You must have a death wish, daring to insult the Torrent clan’s name like this?”

“Heh,” Wilbur let out a laugh. “What’s so great about the Torrent clan, anyways? You’re nothing but a group of bootlickers following someone else’s command.”

Wilbur had been able to deduce that the Torrent clan that Steve was talking about was one of

Seechertown’s three biggest clans.

The Torrent clan was nothing in comparison to the Owens family.

They were just acting tough to people below them.

Wilbur’s words made Will flare up in rage at once. He stared at Wilbur coldly and waved his hand. At once, more than ten men gathered around and surrounded Wilbur with their weapons brandished.

away the insult you made to the Torrent

Torrent clan, aren’t you? Why didn’t I see

was caught off guard and did not understand

number of people from the Torrent clan at Sealake Island last night. Why didn’t I see you

Will’s chest lurched.

knew about what happened last night.

teach someone a lesson, and the Torrent and Lilith


to and thus did not go.

something to do with the Lilith clan or the Owens

that was the case, it was probably better to

at Wilbur. “How did you know about the Lilith clan or the Owens family?”

of the Owens family, Matt Lilith from the Lilith clan, and Gerard Torrent from the Torrent clan just pledged their loyalty to

did. Who do you think you are, saying

know,” Wilbur said with

run Seechertown, and everyone’s supposed to

you weren’t there last night though, or you’d be a little

anymore. “Chop him up and feed him to the dogs!” He shouted

Chapter 56


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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