Chapter 86

With Benjamin’s recommendation, entering the national system would be a piece of cake.

wown affairs to handle too. I

Yet Wilbur merely smiled and said, “Master Grayson, I’m used to the quiet life now. I’ve got my hope you won’t push me into this.”

Benjamin sighed softly. “Every man has his goal, and I won’t give you a hard time. I just hope your heart stays loyal to the


Wilbur’s brows furrowed slightly, and be understood the implication of Benjamin’s words. “Don’t worry, Master Benjamin. It’s never been anything but.”

He then turned to leave, walking towards his house. Benjamin watched his leaving figure until it disappeared from his sight before turning around and heading back inside.

Wilbur returned home to the sight of Faye leaning against the sofa in a skimpy nightgown. She had fallen asleep

The neckline of the nightgown had fallen open, and it was a view too much to handle.

Wilbur took one glance and fled to his room at once.

The next morning.

ready before going downstairs to the living room. Faye had gone to work, so he went

just as he had gotten into his

call from Nancy, he

“Hello, Nancy.”

I call you at a bad time?”

You don’t have to be so formal all the time.”

to ask you out to lunch. Do you think you’ve got time for that?”

Give me the time and place, and I’ll

this noon. How’s

be there

Nancy ended the call.

had been his classmate in the past, and she had always been a great person. She was especially kind to Wilbur, and

understood what Nancy’s intentions were with asking him to lunch but found that he could never say

from Nancy.

later, he readjusted himself and


in Starspeak Restaurant, clearly

restaurant, one that she had hesitated for a long time before

place like this

many years back, and her mother was sick

had a younger brother in high school, and

Chapter 86

lived a frugal life and would hesitate to even buy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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