Chapter 112

Wilbur slumped weakly on his chair and manured, “So this is what a gambler Is like.”

He did not use any of his abilities, engaging in the gambling session as an ordinary person.

Wilbur strived to immerse himself in the role of a ganhler. He experienced the feelings that came with gambling. The excitement of winning, the frustration of losing, and the frenzy that took over after losing a lot of money.

The thrill kept him excited with the surging adrenaline in his body.

The sensation was more intense than a roller coaster ride, thrilling him in a way that made him understand why people sald gambling was addictive. It really was.

He was in despair like a gambler who lost everything

Kenji laughed at that point.

dollars. On top of that, he borrowed another four million dollars. In one evening, he lost a

from the morning and made several million dollars in profit

Kenji could manipulate him as he

to gain them eight million dollars in one night. There probably aren’t many billion–dollar

was a good example.

assets. Kenji was only exploiting

sure knows what he’s doing,” Wilbur concluded.

in the morning, and you

this.” Wilbur shook

faintly and said, “I can turn off the jammer now, and you may

don’t have any money left.” Suddenly, Wilbur sat up straight and

expression changed abruptly upon hearing what Wilbur said. Kenji said coldly, “Huddy, it seems that you’re not aware of the rules here. Not being able to pay up has serious consequences.”

believe you would actually sell me

Kenju burst into laughter.

“Buddly, many people in the past had the same attitude. They tried to dodge their debts after losing, but they all obediently paid up in the end. For those who couldn’t pay, their organs were harvested for others to use. Their remains are then

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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