Chapter 130


Wilbur’s tone was clearly accusatory.

Faron smiled awkwardly and said, “Bro, sometimes it’s just the way things are. When these people work together, it’s difficult for the higher–ups to handle them.”

“This sounds more like they’re avoiding trouble rather than handling it,” he commented nonchalantly.

Faron knew that Wilbur was harboring some resentment, so he said, “Don’t worry, I’ll fix this.”

Faron took his phone out and immediately made a call.

Very soon, someone answered his call. “Faron, why are you calling me?”

“Uncle Chandler, I’m at a restaurant on the West streets of Castlebury. Some security company wants to take me away. Can you come over

Chandler Anderson was stunned upon hearing that.

Who in the world had the audacity to take Faron away? They must have a death wish.

him to show up in person.

not stand by when Faron called him personally. Orin could trouble him if he did not solve the problem, and that was something he did

right there. I’d like to see who’s

Wilbur, “The head of national security, Chandler Anderson, will be here as

Orin Campbell. The head of the Seechertown national security is

to Ethan,

he did not dare to say anything


Wilbur did not bother to acknowledge Aaron

then. The color seemed to have returned to Ethan’s face again, making him look a lot livelier. Meanwhile, Faron was trembling

team captain too! Ethan Oshom used to be one of his soldiers. He was a tough fighter who


being badly mistreated. Faron could not stand it

as Wilbur quietly chatted with

consciousness after his

feet, pointed at Wilbur, and scolded angrily, “F*ck! How dare you hit me? Do

that question for your mother. I have no idea

was very insulting, and Aaron almost choked due to his anger. He yelled, “Guys,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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