Chapter 131

Aaron was instantly dumbfounded.

What was going on? Why were the special agents seemingly targeting him instead?

However, he did not dare to act recklessly in front of those people.

Although he came from the countryside, he knew that the guy in the white shirt was someone powerful.

He stepped forward frantically and tried to greet them properly. However, a special agent lanocked him to the ground with the butt of his gun

“Move around recklessly again and you’ll be lelled on the spot”

The special agent’s icy voice made Aaron break out in cold sweat, and he quickly get up and backed off a few steps,

Chandler, too, was a deputy minister. Although he was not as powerful as Orin Campbell, the security around him was not just for show. It was not easy for anyone to get close to him

to Faron’s side and asked with a smile

in a low voice, “Ethan Osborn is my friend, and he came to appeal for something, but he was arrested. I stopped that frum happening, but I received the same threat as well. After that, it went straight

at Ethan again and immediately

for Faron to have a friend like Ethan because Faron would never have befriended someone like this.

to get things done since Faron had

are getting so rocky. It was just a normal appeal and yet he was given death threats? Who do you think you’re killing and who gave you the authority to

almost gave out under Chandler’s furious

with the gun earlier made him understand

with the guy in white shirt. He had messed up big time, and he knew things would not end

desperation, he hurriedly said, “Sir, please don’t be angry.

order?” Chandler asked

that he was in

would be given mercy since all of them were

Municipal Public Security Brigade. I am responsible for dealing with appeals. We’re

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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