Chapter 1 32

However, in Chandler’s eyes, a person in charge of the Municipal Public Security Brigade was just a joke, and he could take them down with a single order.

It was especially so when Faron was involved. He had to investigate everything about these people and let them not in prison since Faron called him personally and had him execute this operation.

The special agents escorted a distraught Aaron and his cronies into the car. Chandler looked at Faron, then smiled and said, Don’t worry. I’ll definitely investigate this matter thoroughly and give your friend a proper explanation.”

“Thank you, Uncle Chandler,” Faron said.

Chandler said, “Drop the formalities. If you need something from me in the future, you can just give me a call, especially when you encounter any rotten apples in the sector. I’ll definitely punish them severely.”

“Yes, Uncle Chandler. I’ll definitely look for you if there’s anything.” Faron smiled.

Chandler nodded, and once again politely exchanged glances with Ethan and Wilbar, remembering their appearances before turning around to leave.

said softly, “I’m sorry

problems are

treat him this nicely just because he wanted to cultivate.

he deserved

with your own things. I’m going to deal with my

don’t have anything

frowned and asked, “Do you really have so

is pretty casual. I don’t have much to do all day. You can take me with you, so I can

had to wait for the right time to come and he would rise up through the ranks. The potential for his future was absolutely limitless, and

thinking for a hit, Wilbur nodded and said, ‘Alright. This will be beneficial for you in the future. But first, let’s find a place for

and called up a five-star hotel. The presidential suite

the QR code of the restaurant, transferred two thousand dollars, and said to the owner, “This money is to compensate you for

him. Wilbur helped him a lot in the

just waved his hand and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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