Chapter 133

Wilbur shook his head and said, “No. Let’s not alert the enemy. We’ll go by ourselves.”

Faron rubbed his hands and said, “I believe that there was no problem with dealing with the gangsters, but for those people backing them, it would be a bit inconvenient for you to interfere. After all, they are government officials and it’s easy for them to cause you unnecessary trouble.”

Wilbur pondered for a moment, then said, “That makes sense. What do you have in mind?”

“I have a friend. He’s the son of my father’s comrade–in–arms. He is now working in Seechertown’s Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. We can take him with us. As long as this matter is brought to the attention of local officials, we will let him take action. I can guarantee that no one will escape the law,” Faron said.

Wilbur nodded slowly. Faron was more experienced in this regard.

“Then we’ll do as you say

Seeing that Wilbur agreed, Faron immediately took out his phone and made a call.

After a while, the call was connected. A voice said, “Boss, are you buying me a drink? Can it wait until night

Faron scolded, “Quit your shit. Apply for a set of procedures immediately. I’m getting you some work to do.”

where and what is it about?”

give you half an hour to get to room

bit tight. You know, this procedure is not so easy to apply for.”

your chief what I told you. If you can’t reach here in half an hour, then

hung up the phone

asked, “Why did you need to apply for a procedure?”

but there are rules for official affairs. With this set of procedures, that kid will represent Seechertown’s Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and we can get help from a lot

true, but aren’t you giving him too little time? This kind of procedure

would take at least a week under normal


smiled awkwardly and kept quiet.

a shower, and Faron quickly passed him the clothes for him to change into.

finally looked a

need to wait for someone, then we will go to your house when he comes. Remember our creed, blood for

voice. It was as if he had returned to the time when he

there was a knock on the door.

up and opened the door, leading a well–dressed man in labs twenties with black–rimmed glasses and

any bro, Wilbur, and this is his friend, Ethan. This is my friend, Nicholas,” Faron introduced

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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