Chapter 134

Faron added, “These bastards. They thought they could do anything in the rural areas and get away with it. Damn it!”

Wilbur frowned and remained silent.

Originally, it was not Faron’s place to say such things. However, thinking of what happened to Ethan, he still could not help but speak out.

Nicholas still did not know Wilbur’s identity, but Faron understood that Wilbur had the absolute right to say meaner things because he had Mister Grayson backing him up.

Mister Grayson led an upright life and hated any form of injustice. He would have lost his temper if he knew something like this had happened. What Wilbur said earlier was not too much.

Two hours passed before they finally got off the highway in Harvest County.

“Where should we go first?” Faron asked.

Wilbur said softly, “Let’s go to Ethan’s house and have a look.”

Ethan navigated as Nicholas drove.

car stopped at a construction site as Wilbur and the

the busy construction site with a sad look on his face.

his former home, but it had been razed to the ground as high–rise buildings were being built

the lives of his parents. However, the price the offending party paid was just to have the man

grief at the thought

“Don’t be sad. You can avenge them now.”

gritted his teeth and nodded as Wilbur continued, “Let’s find a place for us to sleep first.”

drove to the center of the county, asked for a suite at the Towers

room, Wilbur said to Ethan, “Can you let your

phone with one hand, scrolled to the number,

after a while, Ethan said with an embarrassed tone,

into Ethan’s account and asked him to call

through, Ethan said something and hung up the phone, then said, “She said she

Wendy, right?” Wilbur asked.

thoughtfully, “Does she treat you well?”

and scratched his ad. “We were young, and we even held hands back when we

remembering the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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