Under the illumination of the afternoon sun, Klein in his dust-coated clothes quickly twisted his revolver’s barrel to remove his self-imposed safety. He went into a shooting stance, allowing the light to reflect from the bronze body of the revolver.

He held the revolver with one hand, and moved his other arm, cautiously paying attention to anything that could happen around him.

At the same time, he was a little worried for Captain Dunn and Mr. Aiur Harson. After all, both were Nightmare Beyonders who specialized in influencing the enemy from the shadows. He did not know if they were adept at direct combat.

Just as Klein was having these considerations, Aiur Harson slowed down, his expression becoming serene and peaceful.

He opened his mouth and recited a peaceful poem, one that seemed to place a person into the night.

“When once the sun sinks in the west,

“And dewdrops pearl the evening’s breast;

“Almost as pale as moonbeams are,

“Or its companionable star,

“The evening primrose opens anew

“Its delicate blossoms to the dew;

“And, hermit-like, shunning the light 1 ”

The recital reverberated around them. Klein nearly lost his tense feelings and completely relaxed.

He was lucky that he had experienced something similar before and was not facing Aiur Harson. Thus, he quickly collected himself and entered a half-cogitative state to combat the influence of the poem.

Phew… He let out a sigh of relief. He no longer had any doubts about Dunn’s and Aiur’s direct combat abilities.

As he had only advanced recently and still did not have a deep understanding of Sequence potions, Klein had forgotten that the Sequence 7 Nightmare was the advancement of Sequence 8 Midnight Poet. They could keep whatever abilities they had before and, in fact, enjoy a small increase in their abilities.

The impression Klein had of Midnight Poets all came from Leonard Mitchell. He knew that this “job” inherited the unique traits of a Sleepless. They were good at combat, shooting, climbing, and sensing. They were also adept in influencing the living creatures around them through the use of various poems. In simpler terms, they were violent poets.

While Aiur was reciting his poem, the large wooden crates stacked up around them seemed to suddenly ripple like water. A man wearing a black tuxedo and halved top hat appeared.

But this man’s face was painted in three pastel colors—red, yellow, and white. The sides of his lips were arched high like a clown, forming a ridiculous contrast with his formal wear that was suitable for joining an evening banquet.

Thud! Thud! Thud! The black-haired Lorotta who had been introduced as a sharpshooter charged forward quickly. She had a gun in one hand and had clenched the other into a fist. She made it within inches of the suited clown in a few steps.

The suited clown seemed to be affected by Aiur Harson’s poem. His body was swaying, and he had a peaceful expression in his eyes. He did not have any desire to retaliate.

Lorotta tilted her body with a boxing maneuver as she pulled back her fist, then punched toward the suited clown’s face.


The air crackled as the suited clown shattered suddenly like a mirror, pieces quickly evaporating and vanishing into thin air.

moment, the suited clown quickly appeared once again in the shadows of the wooden crates a few steps away. The suited clown’s figure

poem was only an illusion!

a comical look as he pressed down on his halved top hat with one hand and pointed a finger gun with the


sound of a shot rang from the finger gun. Lorotta fell to the left


Bang! Bang! Bang!

dodged adeptly, sometimes to the right and left, sometimes rolling

being called a


clown could not dodge the attack in time and could only lift his left arm to block

not hesitate to each take aim

the arm that the suited clown used to block Lorotta’s fist

the flame enveloped the

their revolvers, hitting the ball of

flames burned rapidly and soon, all that was left were black ashes floating in the sky. But the suited clown once again

and pointed a finger gun once


tracks. She did not

suited clown was no longer delivering

hard to discern real

Bang! Bang! Bang!

repeatedly while hiding away and appearing

squinted and lifted the dull


down, avoiding the fatal shot. His halved top hat was sent flying backward, falling to the ground. The bullet

of wooden crates with the agility of a

Hanson took a few steps back and lowered his

fair bloom

to its

not the beauty it

He suddenly raised his hand to

sure is weird… Klein observed the fight from

at the top of a warehouse beside him. Furthermore, it was running straight inside where

was dressed in a grayish-white uniform, one which workers at the

other person retrieved the diary?

figure suddenly squatted, switching from running


stop pulling the trigger. He saw the figure suddenly pause, blood

While bearing

the trigger once again. This time, the bullet hit the wooden roof

Bang! Bang! Bang!

also shot but did not hit

criticize how terrible their shooting skills were as compared to his when he suddenly stopped pulling the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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