Haa! Haa! Haa!

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The loud panting and the intense knocking alternated first before they resounded together. It made Klein and company extremely nervous, as though they were hearing some evil murmur.

Taking advantage of the moment Aiur, Dunn and Lorotta had their attention redirected, the suited clown suddenly pulled out a long piece of paper from his pocket.

Pa! He threw it with his right hand as the slip of paper ignited into a black fiery whip. Then, he lashed it towards the side of his ankle.

A fleeting but tragic scream sounded as the suited clown escaped the invisible shackles and did a backflip.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dunn, Aiur, and Lorotta shot but their bullets only ended up hitting the wooden crates.

The suited clown did not stay any longer as he pressed down on his wound with his right hand while escaping in a direction opposite the warehouse.

He was so fast that in the blink of an eye, all that was left was a hint of his back.

And before he vanished, his right hand which pressed down on his abdomen moved towards his left arm. The wound on his stomach had already vanished, looking completely fine.

The location on his left arm which he touched with his right hand suddenly became badly mangled, and a silver bullet appeared in the torn flesh.

Dunn and the rest didn’t chase after him because the panting from the innermost warehouse was so loud that it was making them nervous and insecure.


The door of the innermost warehouse suddenly exploded and flew in all directions.

Then, something wrapped with a torn cloth flew out and landed not far from Klein.

When Klein cast his gaze over, he realized that it was an arm. Its bloody flesh had been chewed on and its white bones were cracked in an irregular fashion as they jutted out

Pa! Pa! Pa!

One item after another flew out. First it was a spray of blood, followed by a dilated eye and an ear which had been ripped out brutally. Finally, half a beating heart and intestines filled with yellowish-brown objects came out.

If Klein had not seen the more gruesome giant cadaver at Ray Bieber’s place, he would have probably vomited there and then.

His nerves were on the brink of a breakdown. After a great deal of effort to hold back his urge to shoot into the pitch-black entrance, he ejected the empty shells from his revolver and reloaded with new demon hunting bullets.


Dunn drew close as he stably shot into the warehouse.

However, his bullet was like a shot into the sea. There was no audible response.

Haa! Haa! Haa!

up as

shots, Aiur Harson’s and Borgia’s bullets tore through the whiteness, but failed to prevent the “color” from spilling outwards. It did not leave

and kept himself from shooting blindly. He watched as

tall. Its limb joints were all unnaturally twisted. It was as though they had

surface was filled

it. Its head

and closed its mouth, Klein could see a porcelain false tooth that looked close to falling out, a few strands of bloody saliva, and bone and

human? Klein drew a silent gasp as he felt his heart pound


bullet hit Ray Bieber’s forehead and tore right through it, leaving behind

liquid flowed out and dripped onto the ground.

neither fast nor slow when it pounced at Borgia who was closest to it. Its actual target appeared to

deep voice. “Lorotta, it looks like a dead soul, so quickly

raised her hands to

had entered the world of spirits and a kingdom of dead souls. She looked down at the enemy from

He lifted his

vision, Monster Bieber only had one kind of spiritual glow left. It

that, Klein saw

that moment, Aiur Harson and Leonard

threat of horror, the

is certain—that this Life


Flower that once has

slumber emanated. The twisted grayish-white monster gradually slowed down as though it

a shrill cry


felt a sharp pain in his head as he automatically exited his Spirit

nose, and when he subconsciously wiped it with his hand, he discovered the back of his

and Leonard fell back to the ground at the same time. They had blood stains lining the corners of their lips, noses, and


monster only screamed once, but it appeared to exceed what the six Beyonders could withstand. They instantly


closed in on Borgia and suddenly swung

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

they didn’t cause any damage

blow sent Borgia flying out as his long-barreled

few times, but failed to do

Bieber’s mouth had stringy liquid oozing out as it


to knock it some distance away, preventing Monster Bieber from grabbing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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