Holding onto the yellowish-brown paper bag full of herbs, Bogda staggered out of the Lawson’s Folk Herb Store.

While waiting for a tracked carriage, he suddenly came to a realization.

He had spent ten pounds to buy a bag of stuff?

This was nearly a month’s salary for him!

If it wasn’t for his trust in Anna and Joyce, he wouldn’t have brought that much cash to the Divination Club!

Could it be that the reason why Mr. Moretti only accepted eight pence for his divination, had something to do with his collusion with the boss of Lawson’s Folk Herb Store, so as to earn more? This was a classic scam written on the papers! When Bogda made this connection, he even began to suspect Klein a little. He even began suspecting Joyce and Anna.

When a tracked carriage stopped in front of him, he looked at the herbs in his hand. Unable to bring himself to return, he entered the carriage with a heavy heart.

Inside Lawson’s Folk Herb Store.

As the boss watched Bogda leave, he suddenly turned his head and shouted at the door where there was a pile of herbs, “Scharmaine, stop purchasing herbs from today.”

“W-why, Master?” A handsome-looking youth with disheveled hair walked out.

The boss smiled and said, “This is the sixteenth customer that has come because of my fame. If this carries on, I believe the Nighthawks, the Machinery Hivemind, and the Mandated Punishers will notice me. When the time comes, I’ll need to consider heading to other cities.”

“Then, do we need to sublease this store?” Scharmaine nodded in understanding as he asked with concern.

The boss chuckled.

“If you wish to stay, you can be the boss of this store. You are already capable at identifying herbs and concocting medicine. Of course, remember to deposit half of your monthly profits into my anonymous Backlund Bank account.”

“But, I haven’t learned what you are really good at.” Scharmaine was already sick of never staying in a city for more than a year, but he was unwilling to give up learning the magical formulas that his master was good at.

The boss leisurely rocked himself in his seat.

“That’s not something you can learn just because you want to…”

A blackish-green bubbling liquid appeared in front of Bogda’s eyes. It smelled of stinking socks and the color that makes one want to puke made him deeply suspicious about everything he had done today.

at his son worriedly and said, “I think surgery is

of rooster blood bubbled with the boiling liquid before vanishing. Bogda

father gestured a triangular Sacred

pounds. He raised his right hand

the noxious smell of blood, swished around in his mouth as he nearly spat

bathroom six times, and by the time the

having dreamed that he

Bogda heaved a sigh of relief when he discovered that he felt

the sluggish state he was in for

that the region which previously hurt when under slight pressure felt

clearly just fooling me…” Bogda was both surprised and doubtful as he got out of bed. He stretched himself and felt his health returning

need to drink it twice. Once I’m done drinking, I’ll go

me how many

still think he’s a

office of the Blackthorn Security Company, from his

carving knife and emitted his spirituality. He seriously carved

in Hermes. The two mysticism symbols symbolized the Evernight Goddess as well as the Empress of Disaster and

that, Klein also added the Path Number that corresponded to the Goddess, 7, and the magical

charms and amulets had to be engraved on both sides; and each side’s symbols, incantations, and characteristics, their exact locations, or special formats was in the realm of

Through repeated practise, and only after he

calmed his mind, his spirituality spewed out from the tip of the carving knife. The number 7 appeared on the

other side of the accessory. All that was left was to finish the remaining

down his knife, all his spirituality chained together as Klein suddenly felt a strange, majestic, and terrifying energy surge

the accessory became complete with Klein’s Spirit Vision. It emitted a serene

from a circle and a vertical piece. He felt a tinge of coolness

placed the finished amulet and another one that he had previously finished into his pocket, planning to find an opportunity to give it to Benson

by Beyonders possessed a certain level of effectiveness. They allowed the wearer to unknowingly avoid disasters to a certain extent, but it was nothing too ridiculous. Furthermore, their spirituality would wane bit by bit. Unless one used a high-level ritualistic magic and created a prayer set, a year was the maximum one could use them for. As for high-level ritualistic magic, there was a terrifyingly high spirituality requirement. It wasn’t something Klein could endure at

comes, I can use my spirituality to make another one… Klein

was to gain a deeper understanding of incantations before trying to pair it with

and prepared to hand over the damaged materials. That was when he saw Captain Dunn walk over in

swept across him as

Holy Cathedral has approved it. You’re

Klein expressed his

“You can now receive a make-up pay of three pounds for this week. You’ll receive 4.50 pounds every subsequent week until the advance

way, did I

by doing so will you gain the recognition of your partners. In consideration of the outstanding performance you showed, I believe I can assign you

replied without

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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