Seeing the unconvinced look his sister’s face, Klein suddenly felt like it was a good opportunity. He sized her up and said with a solemn expression, “Melissa, I think you aren’t showing enough respect to today’s banquet as well.”

“What?” Melissa wore a puzzled look.

Klein pointed at her neck.

“As a lady, you are lacking a necklace that accentuates that area.”

Without waiting for his sister to say another word, he smiled as he fished out a silver amulet wrapped with angel wings from his pocket.

“Thankfully, I prepared one for you.”

“…” Melissa was taken aback at first before she asked, “How much was it?”

Sis, your concerns are really quite misplaced… Klein silently scoffed as he explained with a chuckle, “It’s actually not very expensive. Since it was in an incomplete state, I imitated an item that I’ve seen before and engraved blessing incantations and beautiful patterns on them.”

“You engraved them?” Melissa was indeed distracted.

“How is it? What do you think of my work?” Klein took the opportunity to hand over the amulet to his sister.

Melissa studied it before gently biting down on her lip.

“I like the surrounding angel feathers.”

If you think the incantations and symbols I engraved are ugly then just say so. There’s no need to mince your words… An amulet’s value is in its effects! The corner of Klein’s mouth twitched. Just as he was about to urge his sister to accept it, he saw Melissa put on the necklace with a forced expression on her face. She then carefully adjusted the positioning of the amulet.

“Perfect.” Klein sized her up and gave her exaggerated praise.

Melissa shot him a glance and looked down at her amulet. She said listlessly, “Klein, you were never like that before. Acting like that…”

“Perhaps it’s because of my good job. With a decent income, I’ve become more confident.” Klein interrupted his sister and gave a preemptive explanation.

Sigh, even though I received the original Klein’s memory fragments, making myself appear natural in most major aspects, certain fine details are still there. I’m still used to presenting my real personality… Especially when I’m getting closer and more familiar with Benson and Melissa… He sighed inwardly.

Melissa seemed to accept his explanation and pouted her lips.

“It’s great that you’re like that… really great…”

After the two engaged in a short conversation, Benson came down having changed his clothes. He wore a white shirt with a black vested tuxedo. His black bowtie and a pair of long, straight trousers made it seem like he had undergone a complete makeover. It was like he was a successful businessman after years of hard work.

Same for the receding hairline… Klein chuckled inwardly.

you very well,” he said with a brilliant smile while throwing up


show that my clothing is more important than me.” Benson gave a self-derisive

out the remaining amulet and repeated his explanation from earlier

me.” Benson accepted it without a fuss as he quipped, “Klein, I wouldn’t find it odd, even if

full of surprises,” Klein

a trackless public carriage and arrived at the

they had a porch. They had a

for around ten seconds before they

a head covered in wine-red hair, the girl gave

like this dress of yours. It makes you look

her father, Mr. Wood, senior employee of Backlund Bank’s

honorable elder brother. Welcome, our young historian.” He deliberately addressed Benson and Klein in an exaggerated

the description of me having a conscience?…Klein retorted as he took off his hat and replied with a smile, “Mr. Wood, you look much more spirited and

style of flattery had unknowingly inclined himself to the Foodaholic

out his hand

a lot of bank employees, but they’re all equally arrogant and stiff, as though they’re the latest machines. None of them are as

were to meet me at the bank, you might not say that about

At times, she would mention in her usual tone that, “Elizabeth is already here,” and at other times, she would suppress her voice saying, “Melissa, your brothers are

me… Klein

A balding, gloomy, fat man with a pale expression and lifeless eyes? Klein pinched his glabella in passing

Mr. Wood’s lungs are a little problematic. Right, I see his pipe… Klein swept his gaze

At that moment, Selena introduced with

in a blue frilly dress walked over.

stunned when he saw her because he

choose an amulet

Melissa first before looking at Benson and

her brows knitted slightly,

politely greeted them as though nothing


Benson chat with Chris and the other solicitors happily over the

such socializing skills… He picked up a cocktail from a table in the corner of the room as he listened quietly. At times, he would nod and echo

all the guests arrived and the banquet

steak dishes, roast chicken, fried fish, mashed potatoes, etc and placed them on different tables. The

he saw the elegant enamel plates and silver

need so many years to prepare for his wedding?” When he thought of what his sister had previously mentioned, he was puzzled. “Yeah, it was

picked up a plate and walked in front of a dining table.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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