By the afternoon of the next day, Klein had fully recovered from any signs of exhaustion. He walked into the Blackthorn Security Company with steady footsteps.

“Good morning, Klein. The weather is so cool and beautiful today, I’m looking forward to tonight’s feast.” Rozanne who was wearing a light green dress greeted him with a smile from behind the reception desk.

Klein deliberately touched his stomach and said, “Miss Rozanne, you shouldn’t be talking about that so early in the morning! I’m already sick of today’s mission that has yet to arrive. I only hope for the evening to arrive sooner.”

“Me too.” Rozanne chuckled.

She looked to the left and right, then she beckoned for Klein to come closer. She lowered her voice and said, “I met Madam Daly earlier.”

“Spirit Medium Madam Daly?” Klein asked in surprise.

The most famous Spirit Medium from Awwa County had been living at Enmat Harbor all this time, and it wasn’t a short distance from Tingen.

“Yes.” Rozanne gave a firm nod and said, “But, she has already left. Ah, she is my ideal Beyonder. If I were to become a Spirit Medium, I would leave Tingen and travel all around the world by myself. To Intis, to Feysac, to Feynapotter, to the Southern Continent; to the vast prairies, primitive forests, and snow-covered plains!”

Lady, be aware of the Nighthawks’ rules… Klein shook his head in amusement.

“Even Madam Daly has to apply and obtain permission to leave Enmat Harbor.”

“I know that, but you can’t just remind me about it now and shatter my dreams!” Rozanne said peeved. “The truth is, I would never become a Beyonder. It’s too dangerous. I know when I’ll die from sudden gunfire. From what I’ve seen, Beyonders are basically people who turn themselves into monsters to fight against monsters.”

“Archbishop Chanis said that we are guardians, but also a bunch of miserable wretches that are constantly fighting against threats and madness,” Klein replied, sighing. The quote had left a deep impression on him.

To fight against the abyss, we have to endure the corruption of the abyss.

The two of them fell silent in unison. Rozanne was the first to break the silence as she pursed her lips towards the partition and said, “Captain wanted you to meet him when you arrived.”

“Alright.” With his hat and cane in hand, Klein passed through the partition and entered Dunn’s office after knocking on the door.

A middle-aged gentleman with deep and serene gray eyes and a high hairline put down his coffee cup and said with a smile.

“Daly was here.”

“Can’t say that I’m surprised; Rozanne had just informed me,” Klein replied with a smile.

Dunn didn’t mind his humor but sighed.

“Daly was just transferred to the Backlund diocese, which is the world’s busiest and most crowded city. They have the highest population of Beyonders and the most opportunities… She has a higher chance of becoming an archbishop or a senior deacon than me.”

“Why?” Klein asked curiously as he took a seat.

you want to consume the next potion in the Sequence, you’ll have to wait three years and go through a strict examination to prevent any loss of control. But typically, three years is far from sufficient. I spent three years going from a Sleepless to a Midnight Poet. It took me

we shouldn’t attempt advancing anymore. This is because the risk of losing control

Corpse Collector, she handed in a special application after only a year. She hoped to consume the follow-up potion immediately. What surprised everyone was that she actually passed through

Gravedigger to Spirit Medium. Heh, this year will be her fifth year as a Beyonder. She is only twenty-four this year, young enough to have many opportunities

but she truly is an actual Spirit Medium… Isn’t that acting? Old Neil had apparently mentioned that Madam Daly had similar tendencies… Klein felt that he had grasped the key

as well. You’re only in your thirties,” Klein comforted Dunn, but added in his heart, It’s just that

sip of his coffee. He shook his head and

didn’t you ask Madam Daly about her method of mastering and exploiting

his coffee cup and massaged his temples

true Nightmare… I don’t know what

a Nightmare. Man, a Nightmare sounds sinister… Klein creased

out his smoking pipe and sniffed at

Seer’s follow-up potion being Clown. Assuming that the member of the Seers didn’t lie to you, she brought up an interesting

asked hurriedly, his eyes

a divination method to determine if Clown was the follow-up potion of Seer. The answer he

eyes swept his gaze at him while he said in thought, “A normal Sequence pathway proceeds in a stepped manner. They advance according to a particular similarity. For instance, Sleepless, Midnight Poet, and Nightmare are all obviously related to the darkness of the night, as well as the peaceful sleep and tranquility that is generated from sleep.

unrelated, but when we analyze them in detail, we can still find similarities, such as Assassin and Instigator. Their implied similarity is to bring people calamities,

and asked proactively, “But Seer and Clown

and said, “Daly believes that there might be Sequence pathways that share another kind of

before saying, “Daly said that, in this sort of pathway, the low to mid Sequence potions would respectively provide the Beyonder an ability that seems brand new and

pathway doesn’t advance step by step, but

Dunn lifted his right hand and said, “A normal Sequence pathway advances a bit at a time, just like a child growing up. A growing

Sequence pathways are

this, Dunn lifted

“This is Sequence 9.”

lifted up his

“This is Sequence 8.”

up the rest of

is independent, and doesn’t seem to be related to the others. But in

said the word ‘end,’ Dunn clenched his fingers

Klein was suddenly enlightened. He agreed with Lady

is? He nodded

And according to the

“At which stage would the different abilities combine to form a qualitative

another sip of

I guessed

“Why?” Klein blurted out.

way the churches categorize Sequences, Sequence 4 is the beginning point of the higher Sequences. It is said that merely achieving such a level brings about qualitative changes in vitality and energy. In ancient times, Sequence 4 Beyonders were qualified

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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