At two in the afternoon, outside of a simple two-storied building that was in disrepair at the outskirts of the North Borough.

Klein, who was in his probationary inspector uniform, looked at the weed-filled garden and the vines that had crept up the walls. He turned his head in surprise.

“My combat instructor lives here?”

Shouldn’t a combat artist who was selected by the Nighthawks be exceptional…

Leonard Mitchell, who had guided Klein there, snickered and said, “Don’t underestimate Mr. Gawain because of his residence’s surroundings. Although he was never conferred an aristocratic title, he was a true knight back in the day.”

Having said that, the poetic Nighthawk, who was dressed in a white shirt, black trousers, and buttonless leather boots suddenly felt melancholic.

“He was active during the waning era of the knights. The warriors donning their armors would storm through enemy ranks despite the gunfire and cannon fire, destroying their enemies and redefining the battle lines. But alas, they were quickly met with the invention of the high-pressure steam guns and six-barrel machine guns. From then on, the knights had to gradually step down.

“Mr. Gawain met the same fate. More than twenty years ago, the Awwa Knights’ Order of Chivalry faced the most advanced weaponry of the Intis Republic army… Sigh, every time I recall this, it seems like I’m touching the dust heaps of history. The poet in me stirs when thinking of this irreversible and fated destiny, but alas, I do not know how to compose the poem.”

…Then what’s the point in saying so much? Klein acted oblivious to Leonard’s self-deprecation and gave a serious suggestion, “My university schoolmate once told me that the composing of poems requires a certain degree of talent. It’s best you start by reading the Classical Poems Anthology of the Loen Kingdom.”

Leonard’s mood changed on a whim. He replied with a light-hearted tone, “I purchased that book a long time ago, as well as other titles, such as the Selected Poems of Emperor Roselle. I will work hard to become a true Midnight Poet, Mr. Seer”

Is he hinting at the… acting method? Klein replied, as though he couldn’t understand him, “You would still need books on grammar.”

“Alright, let’s enter.” Leonard extended his hand and pushed open the half-closed metallic gates. The two of them then followed the path towards the house.

They were still a distance away from the house when Klein saw a tall man walking out from behind the main door.

He had short blond hair, his brows already laced with white hairs. His facial features looked like they had been ravaged through age, his wrinkles were etched deep across his face.

“What are you doing here?” the aged man asked in a deep voice.

“Mr. Gawain, as per your contract with the police department, this probationary inspector will be learning the art of combat under your guidance,” Leonard explained with a smile.

“Combat? There’s no need to study combat in this era.” Gawain looked at Klein with turbid eyes and said in a dead voice, “You should learn how to draw your gun and shoot. You should master the most advanced weaponry.”

Was this the psychological trauma caused by the six-barrel machine guns and high-pressure steam guns? Klein didn’t give a reckless reply; instead, he smiled and looked at Leonard.

“The art of combat is still a skill a policeman has to master. Most of the criminals we face are not those who must be executed on the spot. Some might not even have weapons. In that case, we have to rely on combat techniques,” Leonard said, obviously prepared for the situation.

With a dark expression, Gawain fell silent for more than ten seconds before saying, “Throw a punch.”

He was speaking to Klein.

had seen in his previous life. He raised his arm and threw

indiscernibly. He thought for a moment and said,

twisting his hips, Klein tightened his thigh muscles and kicked

his mouth and cleared his throat. He looked at Leonard and said, “I will honor my contract. But

you.” Leonard nodded without hesitation. He smiled and said to

Leonard walked out the metallic gates, Klein asked out of curiosity, “Instructor, how should

understood the importance of footwork in

stood akimbo as he shook

you need now is

Those are two dumbbells made of steel. They shall

deep squats, running,

Gawain suddenly raised his

this moment, Klein felt as though he had returned to military training and was facing

training clothes on the sofa.” Gawain suddenly sighed. He turned around and walked toward

the evening, at a corner table of the Old Will

who was guarding Chanis Gate, all the members of the Blackthorn Security

over plates of food, portioned them

drenched in black pepper sauce. He saw bacon, sausages paired with mashed potatoes, egg puddings, asparagus, and specialty cheeses. He even saw rose-colored champagne. However, he had no appetite. The training in the

Dunn raised the glass of red wine in

welcome our newest official member, Klein

Royale Reideen, the Sleepless Kenley White, the sloppy Leonard Mitchell, as well as the white-haired, black-eyed Midnight Poet

his glass of amber champagne. He stood

every Nighthawk, tilted his head back, and finished the small amount

not going to say something on this occasion?” Dunn smiled as he looked at

her thirties. She had average looks, but had an exceptional demeanor, one that was quiet and serene. Coupled with her few strands of graying hair, it added a unique charm to

mention that this Midnight Poet had taken on a side job as an author and had attempted to submit her works to

and looked at

the term ‘Miss Author’ into a reality, Captain, I think you

Dunn laughed.

learn from Old Neil and give

impressed with Mr. Neil in this department!” Rozanne echoed in-between her mouthfuls

said with a chuckle, “Are you

“Yeah.” Klein sighed.

I can be of assistance.” Leonard acted as though he didn’t want

mind. He nodded and said,

in front of

the end of the dinner, the waiters served

tasted ice-cream and found it cold

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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