Faced with his sister’s question, all Klein could do was reply with a regretful smile, “Sore muscles.”

He originally believed that by consuming the Sequence potion, his constitution would be enhanced as a Beyonder, but the harsh reality told him that a Seer’s stats points were all allocated to his spirituality, mind, intuition, and interpretation. It didn’t aid him in adjusting to combat training quickly.

As for the original Klein, he had focused on his studies early on and had suffered from malnutrition. That led him to possess a below-average physical condition. The fact that he was having ‘after effects’ from working out was to be expected.

“Sore muscles? I remember you returning after dinner last night and you didn’t do anything else… Does alcohol cause sore muscles?” Melissa inquired with an inquisitive look.

Does alcohol cause sore muscles… Sis, that question… can’t help but make me have inappropriate thoughts… Klein laughed dryly and said, “No, this has nothing to do with alcohol. It was from yesterday afternoon. I joined the company’s combat training.”

“Combat?” Melissa was even more astonished.

Klein organized his thoughts and said, “Well, this is what happened. I considered it and believe that as a historical and relic consultant of a security company, it’s impossible for me to stay in the office or port warehouse forever. Perhaps there will come a day when I have to accompany them to the villages or an ancient castle, to the site of some relic. That might require me to hike, to cross rivers, and to walk a lot. I’ll have to endure all sorts of tests posed by nature, so I have to possess a sufficiently healthy body.”

“So you joined combat training to enhance your stamina?” Melissa seemed to understand her brother’s intention.

“That’s right,” Klein answered with great affirmation.

Melissa said with a frown, “But that isn’t gentlemanly… Don’t you always keep yourself to the standards of a professor? A professor only requires the ability to read historical documents, ponder over difficult questions, and maintain a polite and gentlemanly demeanor.

“Of course, I’m not saying that those aren’t all good things. I prefer men who can solve problems on their own, regardless of whether that solution requires brawn or brain.”

Melissa smiled.

Klein smiled and said, “No, no, no, Melissa. Your definition of a professor contains a misconception. A true professor can communicate with people gently and politely, but he can also educate the other person using the principles of physics by raising a cane to convince someone when there is an obstacle in communication.”

“Principles of physics…” Melissa was momentarily at a loss, but she quickly understood what her brother was saying. She was suddenly unable to retort him.

Klein didn’t say anything more but widened his pace with great difficulty as he headed for the bathroom.

Melissa stood there and looked for a few seconds. She suddenly shook her head and caught up to Klein.

“Do you need my help?”

She posed as if she was supporting someone.

“No, there’s no need to. I was hamming it up a bit earlier.” Klein felt humiliated. He suddenly stood straight and walked normally.

Watching her brother walk steadily to the washroom and close the door, Melissa pursed her lips and muttered, “Klein is getting more and more pretentious… I even believed that his muscle soreness was really that serious…”

In the bathroom, Klein stood behind the tightly shut door, his face suddenly contorting in pain.

his breath, tensed his body, and stood there for a good

finally went downstairs with great effort, had breakfast, and saw Benson and Melissa off,

took his cane, donned his top hat, and left the

trees with shade-providing foliage, flourishing with birds and luxuriant

river, Klein took a turn towards the history department. Then, he found the three-story building which

knocked and entered the room, but he was shocked to see

made an appointment by letter to meet here at ten,”

Cohen Quentin’s best friend and often debated with his mentor regarding academic topics, smiled and said,

brought on an indescribable feeling, as though you could see in the man’s eyes that he had been through the vicissitudes of life. Under his right ear was

suddenly frowned as he

at his attire. “Have I committed some

dark colored trousers, leather boots with no buttons… Everything

and he chuckled

way more energetic than

“Mr. Azik, did my mentor manage to find the book ‘Research of the Hornacis

the drawer and took out a gray-covered book. “You are no longer a Khoy University student anymore.

academic monograph, and

a hardcover and it was printed with an image like an abstract version of the main peak of Hornacis

a seat. He flipped open the

he became engrossed in the book, he suddenly realized that there was a cup of rich and fragrant coffee by his

yourself to the sugar and milk.” Azik put down the

Klein nodded with

and a teaspoon

the Hornacis Main Peak’s Relics, was not a very thick book. Klein finished reading it when it was almost noon. He took note

of Hornacis Mountain and its surrounding area was obviously an advanced civilization, which existed as

their wall murals, their perspective on life appears similar to that

they called their god the Ruler of the

that would be contradictory to the contents of the wall murals. In the wall murals, the people in the

beyond that for the wall murals as it doesn’t

continued to write down his ‘afterthoughts’

of the Sky, Skymother is such a grand title, while the Ruler of the Evernight obviously overlaps

the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range and its surrounding area, every arrangement and decoration was well-preserved. Even the wall murals didn’t have any signs of damage. Before it was discovered, there seemed to be no disturbance at all… The table was arranged with cutlery, and there were dried stains of rot on the dining plates… In

to the nation’s people? They seemed to have left their homes in a hurry, without taking anything with them, and they never

there are no burial grounds, this only makes it

he even had the belief that the people residing there had just vanished all of

and cast his

visit to the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range, he had used a new

lofty palace had a collapsed wall and was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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