He resides at 19 Howes Street?

Whilst memorizing the information, Klein keenly noticed a piece of information.

Yes, Welch stayed on Howes Street. The Divination Club is on Howes Street. This cloth merchant named Sirius Arapis also lives on Howes Street… From the looks of it, it’s nothing strange for Welch to know Hanass Vincent either. They might have even gotten to know each through Sirius Arapis…

Suddenly, Klein felt that he had linked the clues together as his thoughts turned clear.

He was originally confused as to how Welch would be acquainted with Hanass Vincent since this son of a banker wasn’t particularly interested in mysticism. To him, money was more important than divinations. But now, Klein felt that he had an inkling as to how they became acquainted.

According to the descriptions of several magazines, middle-class and wealthy residents would gladly pay a visit to their neighbors from the same social class in order to form a social circle which is beneficial to them. Similarly, Welch and the cloth merchant, Sirius, absolutely have the motivation and opportunity to become friends since they both lived in the Howes Street vicinity…

It isn’t hard to understand how Sirius knew Hanass Vincent, who regularly went to the Divination Club on Howes Street. Perhaps it was a coincidental meeting, or perhaps Hanass had helped him out before. Regardless, this made it possible for the two of them, who frequently ran into each other within the same area, to become closer to one another….

Hanass Vincent wanted to sell his ancient books, and thus, Sirius introduced him to Welch, who was an undergraduate of the History department…

In Hanass’ dream, there was the figure of the suspected evil god, the “True Creator.” He also knew of the proper incantation format. This proves that he was very deep into the realm of mysticism. The possibility that he might have even been a member of some secret organization cannot be dismissed.

I cannot rule out the possibility of him joining some secret organization under Sirius’s influence.

With ideas coming to him so easily, Klein could tell that the information the man had left behind had a certain level of credibility without even using divination methods.

Even if he isn’t called Sirius Arapis, nor work as a cloth merchant, and doesn’t live at 19 Howes Street, he definitely resides at Howes Street or, at the very least, somewhere nearby!

While these ideas ran through his mind, Klein viewed the borrowing records once again with this new train of thought.

The last time he came to Deweyville Library was last Saturday, a day before Selena’s birthday party, which was also a day before Hanass Vincent died. Several days have already passed since then, but he hasn’t returned the issues that he borrowed.

According to past records, if he only borrowed two issues, he would usually return them the next day.

Could this mean that he knows of Hanass’ death and was scared to the point that he no longer dares to come to the Deweyville Library again?

Yes, he started by borrowing several unrelated history books and journals until he narrowed down what he needed, which is very similar to what I had read…

This means that there was no one teaching him. There was no Senior Associate Professor from the history department of a university. He did this completely through trial and error.

What would a shocked target do? Two choices. One, if he had all the necessary information, he would head straight to the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range. Two, if he still lacks information, he would lay low and observe the situation. He would only show himself again if he’s certain that Hanass’ death wouldn’t implicate him.

Having made this conclusion, Klein closed the borrowing records and returned them to the librarians. He then took out the portrait and asked if anyone had seen the man. Unfortunately, many people came to borrow books every day, and the librarians didn’t have any impression of the average person.

put away his

investigation alone. This wasn’t only dangerous, but also troublesome. He planned to head to Zouteland Street once again and hand the case over to Captain and his teammates. He then planned to go home and prepare his Tomato Oxtail Soup for

librarian asked sincerely as he heaved a

slightly and asked, “No, I will come back

held his black cane with his left hand and made his way to

library with his head hung low. He was

walked past each other, Klein caught a glance of his thick, messy brows,

were things the

coincidence? Klein froze. He didn’t expect to meet his

of luck

too much of

his aching sore muscles. Thus, he

to follow what our heart

doesn’t matter if I missed this opportunity as long as Sirius is

in the double-breasted coat arrived before the

return,” he said with

received the journals causally and when he saw

and differently as his body couldn’t

the man asked in a deep

a fuse, causing the librarian to instantly lose his self-control. He sprinted to


“The criminal is here!”

left the building, cursed

reached for his holster with his right hand and drew his

before turning and breaking into a

for the door. Instead, he escaped in the direction of the oriel window to the side, as if

turned his head to see the scene when he felt a

was afraid of the target, his

adept in, and so, he will

coat abruptly rolled onto the ground

up on that, he pressed down on the ground with his right hand

Klein’s first

inability to dodge while in


bullets tore through the air and

and Sirius flew out the window, leaving drops of

ran over and jumped

was the area lining the back of Deweyville Library’s ground

the side, in an attempt to enter a small alley between two buildings. Having not practiced shooting at moving targets, Klein didn’t dare to fire blindly. He could only carry his cane in one hand and his gun in the other as he pursued the man

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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