One pocket, two pockets, three pockets… Klein soon found a bloodstained wallet, a Deweyville Library card, two pairs of brass keys, an unstuffed smoking pipe, a sheathed dagger, and a few letters that were folded neatly.

Laying everything onto the ground except for the letters, he stood up straight and looked at the wallet. He confirmed that there were only ten plus soli and some copper pennies.

The craftsmanship of the wallet is quite exquisite. It’s such a pity… Klein sighed, feeling a little distracted.

If I didn’t spend so much of my private stash of money, buying a wallet would’ve been on my schedule today.

After shaking his head, Klein opened the letters and quickly scanned through them.

“Dear Mr. Z,”

“Please allow me to defend myself. When Hanass and I sold off the Antigonus family’s notebook, it wasn’t stupidity or betrayal. It didn’t appear special in any way when it was in our hands.”

“I suspect that it’s alive and that it’s a wicked item armed with a certain life and wisdom. It was something dangerous that needed to be sealed.”

“At different stages and before different people, it shows different contents!”

“This is a proven fact that I’ve learnt from the lamb in the police station.”

“Although the notebook shows content that is sufficiently true each time with plenty of evidence, I believe that it would only reveal the completed content in the hands of a descendant of the Antigonus family.”

“When Hanass and I received it, we could only see some trivial matters of the Antigonus family, the general situation of the Nation of the Evernight on the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range, and also the three Sequence potion formulas we handed in to you previously.”

“As you know, the Secret Order has the Seer pathway in its grasp and possesses powerful tracking abilities, so Hanass and I believed that it would be a risky move to continue keeping the notebook. The value it had presented to us wasn’t sufficient for us to take the risk.”

“Since we couldn’t wait for your reply, we agreed amongst ourselves to sell the notebook to Welch, who was living on the same street . He enjoyed collecting relics and ancient books, and he could afford to pay a high price for it. As for the subsequent developments, you are already aware of it.”

“This is the first thing that I’d like to explain. As I am writing these words, Hanass is dead. He died due to a heart attack during his sleep. That must be a blessing from God, to prevent him from suffering the outcome of falling into the hands of heretics.”

“I had no choice but to move to somewhere safer, more hidden. I didn’t even dare to leave the house. Luckily, the lamb told me that the reason Hanass was being eyed by the heretics wasn’t because of the Antigonus family’s notebook, nor was his identity exposed. It was just that he had taken in a silly female disciple in the hopes of slowly developing her into one of us.”

“His female disciple had stolen a glance at his secret incantation and tried the magic divination while a Nighthawk heretic was watching. I believe you can pretty much guess the rest of the story, so there is no need for me to describe it.”

the position of the lamb isn’t high enough, so the actual details

various feedback, it seems the heretics have yet to suspect me. Their

a few more journal issues from the Deweyville Library to seek out more

Antigonus family must have had some divinations regarding its decimation. They must have left behind secret treasures that would

hidden on the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range, which is in one of the

constricted rapidly. He

family had in its grasp was

What a coincidence!

in Klein’s head again and again that left him in a daze. He

Seer pathway in its grasp. The one that eventually made me choose the Seer potion was the Emperor Roselle’s diary, while Emperor Roselle was biased towards the Seer Sequence because of the mysterious Mr. Zaratul who was the leader


exactly is lurking behind all of

back and forth. He needed to verify the contents with other

belongings left behind by the Antigonus family. If both parties shared the same Beyonder Sequence, there would be a sufficient reason and motive. Perhaps, it is to bridge any missing Sequences, obtain rare ingredients for a higher Sequence advancement, or covet the other party’s

the Antigonus family has at least

from the Secret Order… Therefore, the true meaning behind the symbolism

in the letter. He also understood why he constantly heard the word ‘Hornacis’ in the murmurs he

occurrence of this happening was when I first

serious expression as

of those that made contact with a relic of the Antigonus family’ and ‘becoming a Beyonder of the Seer pathway’ were two necessary conditions to hear the

No, I can’t think about this! Just the notebook alone has killed so many people. Any complete treasure would be even more terrifying! Klein shook his head subconsciously and cast his gaze onto the third piece of

I can gain your assistance. I believe that you should be

look like a normal person, a

of days arrives, I will offer all of Tingen’s lambs as

“Humbly, Sirius Arapis.”

finished reading Sirius’s letter, Klein had the urge to

saved Tingen? What was this guy trying to do? Heretics

like someone in a high position… At the

that’s the cautiousness of a heretic. They

the Seer pathway in its grasp, then would the Clown potion be among the three formulas inside the Antigonus family’s notebook that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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