Sometime later, the lecturer, who had relatively high cheekbones, walked up the wooden podium. She cleared her throat and said, “Good morning, kind, charitable ladies. I am Xaviera Hedda. What I am about to share with you today are my experiences in managing family expenses. There are three parts, the first being how a family with an annual income of a hundred pounds should balance food, housing, clothing, and employing helpers. The second would be where a family earning two hundred pounds yearly should be increasing their expenditure to appear more decent…”

Melissa listened attentively. She had her brothers’ annual income at her fingertips.

It’s already over two hundred pounds… she thought, half in relief and half in fear.

She was relieved and satisfied with her current life, but was also afraid that this way of life would vanish in the blink of an eye.

At this point, the wine red-haired Selena covered her mouth. She told her two friends quietly, “She seems to be a believer of the Lord of Storms. She’s wearing a Windstorm badge.”

Melissa looked over and saw Xaviera wearing a badge depicting violent winds and tumultuous waves on her left chest.

She quickly explained, “Mrs. Shaud who told me about this seminar is also a follower of the Lord of Storms. I don’t think it’s strange that the speaker is a follower too.”

“Yeah, I don’t think there is a problem here. We are here to learn how to budget,” Elizabeth concurred with Melissa.

“But other than Melissa, we don’t need to, nor do we have the right to govern our families’ finances.” Selena pouted.

Elizabeth rebutted without hesitation, “But we’ll get married eventually and form our own families.”

Selena had been a little afraid of Elizabeth after the incident of the demon mirror divination. She nodded in embarrassment and pretended to listen to the lecture attentively.

The lecturer, Xaviera, raised her right hand and said, “The premise of any form of budgeting is to respect the opinion of the man of the household. They are the source of income, the pillar of the family. They face anxiety, stress, troubles, and disorder in society in order to obtain everything for us. Thus, we have to create a serene home, one free from troubles from the outside. This will allow them to relax when they come home, allow their souls to be cleansed, allow them to be more prepared to face the challenges to come…

“So, as the famous philosopher, sociologist, humanities scholar, and economist Mr. Leumi once said, a woman is the angel of a household.”

Selena stroked her cheek and traced her dimples as she whispered with a little excitement, “Leumi, the person who said that humans are born free?”

Elizabeth hesitated before answering. “Yes, but he is a believer of the Lord of Storms.”

At this point, the lecturer, Xaviera, continued, “Mr. Leumi also informs us that females are innately flawed when it comes to intelligence and logic. In that case, unable to judge for themselves whether they should accept the judgment of father and husband as that of the church….” 1

Melissa, Selena, and Elizabeth looked at each other, speechless, after hearing such a description.

“Let’s go?” Selena finally suggested.

Melissa and Elizabeth nodded.


over, sneaking over to the side

they suddenly heard a burst of applause coming

instinctively looked back into the

Shaud, as well as many other ladies,

left the uncomfortable

to Harrods?” Selena suggested as she stood under a tree. She had already forgotten about what had just

few seconds before saying, “I plan on returning home

Selena fiddled with her wine-red hair, as if she had returned to her

today, Benson went to the municipal library. So, yeah, I have to go back!” Melissa suddenly realized how much she loved her textbooks, her gears

from the unusually weird Melissa. She turned to look at Elizabeth and smiled dutifully, “Shall we go to Harrods together? Even though

suggestion, then asked casually, “Melissa,

rests on Mondays, different from ordinary jobs.” Melissa unknowingly raised her head

leaving the Blackthorn Security Company, Klein took

not think about the issue of the

potion as soon as possible! Improving himself was extremely important no matter when

Empire had to go through the almanac all the time before they accomplished anything… Klein held his cane

to divine if it was beneficial for him to travel


His field of vision narrowed, his pupils becoming darker as he silently recited, It is suitable

is suitable to head


He didn’t look at the rotation of the coin, calmly

The halfpence landed in the

time, the number 1⁄2

an unfortunate incident at the Divination Club today… Klein thought for a moment before he turned to the opposite side of the street. He

and more like a

the entrance to

just about to enter the building when she suddenly froze and looked to

happened?” Elizabeth asked,

thought about my mysticism teacher, Mr. Vincent. He passed

peeked and used his secret incantations? I’ve always felt guilty and uneasy because of

“So?” Elizabeth asked quietly.

lips and said, “I wish to do a divination at the Divination Club over there and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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