Backlund, Empress Borough.

Audrey Hall sat on a suspended chair in a windy corner and looked at the flowers that were blooming under the sun. She thought of Fors Wall’s request.

According to Viscount Glaint, there really was a young girl named Xio Derecha being impounded at a temporary prison located in Backlund’s North Borough.

She was charged with grievous assault against a decent gentleman due to a financial conflict. She caused the man to be bedridden, and he might not be able to stand on his feet ever again.

Regarding that, Fors’s explanation was that the gentleman wasn’t a nice person but the head of a gang in Backlund’s East Borough. He made a living by being an usury.

The cause of the incident was when one of the borrowers found out that the interest was several times higher than he expected, so much so that it was impossible to return the amount of money even after he bankrupted himself. When his discussion with the gentleman ended fruitless, he found the famous intermediator, Xio Derecha, hoping that she could persuade the other party to waive the unreasonable portion of the loan.

That gentleman didn’t respond well to Xio Derecha’s attempts at arbitration, and even threatened to capture the borrower’s wife and children that night. Hence, Xio Derecha switched tactics and chose to use physical means. Accidentally, she caused severe damage to the man.

Viscount Glaint investigated the matter and confirmed that Fors Wall was telling the truth. He also confirmed that the gangster had lost control of his underlings. Moreover, after a midnight visit by someone, the borrower’s debts were waived. A statement was sent to the prosecutor to plead mercy for Xio Derecha. However, an assault case of such severity wasn’t dropped even when the victim decided not to pursue a trial.

“Glaint wished to solve the problem through normal means. He sent people to talk to lawyers that he was familiar with, but they were only confident of winning a lighter sentence, but it would be very difficult to acquit her from the crime unless she obtains a medical certification stating that she is mentally incompetent or mentally undeveloped…” Audrey muttered to herself, leaning in support towards her friend’s opinion.

To her, it was best to not have any relationship with Fors Wall and Xio Derecha. Ever since the Tarot Club, Audrey felt that she was no longer an innocent and naive young lady.

“Tomorrow night, there will be a dance at Count Wolf’s residence. I should tell Glaint then to act according to the lawyer’s suggestion.” Audrey nodded slightly as she made a decision.

In the Loen Kingdom, lawyers were either barristers or solicitors. The latter didn’t need to be involved in court affairs, and were responsible for gathering evidence, talking to the parties involved, setting up wills on their clients’ behalf, supervising property allocation, and providing legal consultation. Of course, they could also represent their clients to attend the most basic magistrate court and defend simple cases.

Barristers, on the other hand, were responsible for researching evidence and defending their clients in court. According to the Loen Kingdom’s laws, they had to maintain an objective attitude so they couldn’t make direct contact with the litigant. They could only communicate with them through their assistants, who were solicitors, to gain complete understanding of the situation. They were all true law experts who possessed outstanding communication skills and were skilled in debate.

The relaxed Audrey observed the colorful flowers outside while hidden in the darkness when she recalled something.

Medical certification stating she was mentally incompetent… Psychiatrist…

If the Psychology Alchemists have grasped ‘acting’, does that mean that they can be found amongst psychiatrists?

Audrey felt that her train of thought was on the correct path, and her eyes shimmered like a lustrous gemstone.

Just then, she saw her golden retriever, Susie sneak behind the flower bushes, to a spot where only the gardener would be able to reach.

Susie… What is she doing? Audrey hid in the shadows and looked in a daze.

by the flowers all around her that she failed to notice her owner behind her. She opened her

vibrate into words that were


“How are you?”

mouth widened as she completely forgot about the etiquette an elegant lady should have. She couldn’t believe the scene

stood up and asked, “Susie, you can talk? When did you

fright as she turned around to look at

quickly. She opened and closed her mouth a few times, vibrating the

to explain. I am a

Audrey was suddenly at a loss

consolidate his mysticism knowledge. Then, he took

his interactions with Mr. Azik and find out

chatted for a while

diagonally opposite when his mentor left to handle certain matters. He then walked over to Azik’s desk. The lecturer had stayed behind to

skin, gentle facial features, and the small mole below his right ear. He took off his hat and

eyes that seemed to have seen the vicissitudes of life, Azik tidied his books and replied, “Sure, let’s take a walk by the Khoy’s


their silence. Neither of

Azik suddenly stopped in his tracks. He turned his body halfway, faced Klein, and asked, “Is there something I can help

while, thinking of several tactful ways of asking his questions, but he gave up

you are a trustworthy person, a respectable gentleman. I would like to know what you can see in me, or should I say, what do you know? I am referring to the previous incident

his cane and sighed as

I’m quite at a loss how to answer

in your fate was the only thing that I could see. Other than that, I

“But how could you tell? I don’t believe that this was

the Khoy River. His intonation

kind of level. It only depends on the person doing the divination.

are… special. They are born with some strange

Klein acutely caught the word that the other

I am not sure if I was born with it. Perhaps, the price of my ability is to forget myself, to forget my past, to forget my parents.” Azik’s eyes were clouded

Klein was increasingly confused.

“Forget the past?”

without any

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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