No crude oil? It couldn’t be found for some reason, or there really wasn’t any available?

From the period Emperor Roselle was assassinated till this day, about a hundred and fifty years have passed, and there are still no traces of crude oil…

Klein’s pupils constricted as his hand quivered while holding the diary.

No crude oil not only meant that the future of the internal combustion engine became uncertain, it would also lead to a state of stagnation in the chemical industry. In other words, Earth’s modern industrial age would never transpire here!

In short, the development of this world was uncertain to Klein.

Although he couldn’t invent things, he had assumed that he was still at an advantage because he knew a bit of everything and could foresee the direction of technological development. When he saved enough money, he could make a risky investment on an industry that he thought showed promise. Furthermore, he wouldn’t put all his eggs in one basket.

Klein thought that it was only a matter of time until he could own enormous wealth. By then, he would hire the so-called white gloves as representatives to establish international charity foundations. On the surface, they would provide relief to the poor. In reality, they would actually be establishing and funding a revolt, in order to fight against the higher strata of society and enhance the living standards of the people in the lower class.

If he were to find a method of returning to Earth, he would segregate his property. A third to Benson, a third to Melissa, and a third for his foundation.

However, it was a pity that his perfect vision of the future was instantly half-shattered.

Luckily, there’s still electricity and magnetism in this world. The telegram is a successful example, I should mainly invest in this in the future… Klein settled down and read down row by row.

“December 21st. I’m no longer thinking about crude oil anymore. Upgrading my Sequence level is what matters!

“December 22nd. The filthy environment in Richeux Borough is unacceptable. If I hadn’t visited incognito, I might’ve never known that it still looks the same as when I was young. I want to gather all my ministers and formulate a ‘Capital Sewer and Public Toilet Enhancement Plan’. Hmm, I have to rectify the people’s bad habits. Let them boil hot water for consumption, wash their hands and faces frequently, don’t litter, don’t pee and poop anywhere, use condoms if possible… Haha, I thought of what to name this campaign: the Patriotic Health Campaign!

“Hence, the invention of the condom has to be brought forward. There’s also masks, paper cups, and others. Yes, even the most primitive version would do. Give it a try. I have to thank this world for they still have rubber trees.

“December 23rd. Perhaps I should consider that suggestion. Keep a back door for myself outside of the Church of the God of Craftsmanship. For example, I could join that ancient and mysterious organization which influences the world from the shadows?”

Klein then suddenly realized that there was nothing else at the bottom. His emotions were indescribable.

Emperor Roselle, what was the name of the ancient and mysterious organization that was influencing the world from the shadows? Do I know it?

How could you stop here? Why didn’t you write more?

It’s just like when I used to read novels. When I read till the end and realized that the author ended up dropping the novel…

Campaign? The Emperor sure knows

he became the Consul of the Intis Republic. He might already have called himself the

when I get back and flip through some historical texts of other countries. I have to

reined back his thoughts

can start your discussion

know if there are any Sequence potion named Tribunal, or a kind

Enveloped in the grayish-white fog, Klein was going to

investigate something in return for the

Audrey asked with interest as well as with

intention of taking revenge on the Feysac Empire and launching a new

confirmed by the trio’s accents at the first Gathering. Hence, Alger knew that Miss

believed that His behavior as a Loen was merely a disguise, a disguise that would

started using

recalled everything that she heard from various social events. She nodded confidently and said, “No problem, but

“With Mr. Fool as a

mysterious Fool engulfed in gray fog as the

think the value of this information is worth more than both questions put

compensation depending on the situation,” Alger replied with an

currency to determine value?Klein smiled and leaned backwards while he looked at the two

cheered for herself

excited that she nearly broke out of her Spectator state. She quickly thought of something and

I’m still sailing. I have yet to return to land.” Alger wasn’t willing to bring it up. He answered her original question, “The Beyonder that can go through wooden doors and foil locks would probably be Sequence 9 Apprentice. The secret

ties with the Demoness

what was said, Audrey couldn’t

had found the formula for Apprentice before, I

performance was simply

his explanation, “There is also a Sequence potion that is entitled Arbiter. I think you should be familiar with it, because it is the Sequence pathway that the Augustus and Feynapotter Kingdom’s Castiya family has. Of course, the low Sequence formulas were

was a royal family of the Loen Kingdom while the Castiya family was a royal family

out that the Augustus family are all Arbiters… Audrey was enlightened and

always gone along with their arrangements, always uncomfortable, always willing to admit defeat, like I’m never myself

has a convincing charm and considerable authority, as well as outstanding combat ability that can deal with

slowly and leaned backwards. She then spoke elegantly, “I have no more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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