“You must not speak my name without my permission.”

Several minutes after the Gathering ended, Audrey and Alger, who had returned to their bedroom and ship respectively, could still hear the words of The Fool reverberating in their ears.

Their impression of the mysterious and powerful Mr. Fool was normally relaxed, calm, and unfathomable. It was rare that he would adopt such a stern, supercilious attitude.

Because of that, they were exceptionally alarmed. They submitted to his wishes sincerely.

They were no strangers to words like that, but these instructions were normally recorded within the The Revelation of Evernight or The Book of Storms!

In the West Borough of Tingen City, on Daffodil Street.

Klein pulled open the curtains and allowed the golden sunlight to pour into his bedroom.

He had inspected the star that previously sent out a prayer after Justice and The Hanged Man left, but didn’t obtain any information this time round.

Since the crimson star had the ability to store prayers, akin to sending offline messages, Klein believed that the youth who spoke Jotun hadn’t prayed again from the last two times he entered the world above the giant.

This made him suspect that there was no hope left for the youth’s parents, and that the young man had chosen to give up…

With his back facing the sunlight, Klein walked to the edge of his bed and laid down. He didn’t want to move.

He knew that he shouldn’t waste any time and head to the Divination Club and continue the process of digesting the potion, but he didn’t want to move. He laid silently on his bed, enjoying his rare break.

He had a full schedule from Tuesday to Friday, mysticism lessons and practicals in the mornings, shooting and combat training in the afternoons. He was mentally exhausted by the time evening came around. There was no change in his morning routine on Saturday, but he had to guard Chanis Gate in the afternoon. He would’ve stayed underground until the dawn of Sunday.

Sunday morning was time for Klein to catch up on sleep. In the afternoon, circumstances would determine if he went to the Divination Club. On Monday morning, he had just returned from Khoy University in the morning and had the Tarot Gathering in the afternoon. He also had to think about the issue of acting as a Seer. In other words, he had been busy the entire week, with no time to rest.

Thus, all Klein wanted to do was laze around, lying on his bed like a loser, not doing anything except daydreaming.

No, how can a boss of a cult be so worthless. If Miss Justice and Mr. Hanged Man caught wind of this, their impression of me would shatter… Klein buried his face into his blanket and motivated himself.

“I have the formula for the Clown potion, all I need to do now is fully digest the Seer potion… I have the formula to the Clown potion, all I need to do now is fully digest the Seer potion…”

He muttered to himself and then propped himself up.

bronze coin from his pocket and quickly divined if it was suitable for him to head to the club today and got

four, three, two,

straight and walked over to the clothes rack before

the meeting room of the Divination Club on Howes

his Sibe black tea as he read the Tingen City Honest Paper. There weren’t many members around him, just six

he was laughing at the grammatical mistake used in a job advertisement, he saw a monocled Glacis walk in with a silk top

large yet dull eyes. In her left hand, she was carrying an Intis hat decorated

wearing that? Klein noted to

noticed that Glacis and the lady were both healthy, but were anxious, angry,

Lanevus wasn’t a trustworthy fellow, was

for a divination about investing in

indecisiveness, Klein believed that he had taken the risk anyway. Klein hoped the man hadn’t invested everything he had. Thus, Klein

for a moment, then let

the suggestion you divined for me. Heh, this is the second time I’m saying something like that,

and looked at the lady

Christina, look, Mr. Moretti had already guessed our motive for coming here without us even speaking. He is the most magical fortune-teller I have ever seen. I’m more than willing to describe him as

have come here precisely because of Lanevus.” Christina gave a

we head to Topaz?” Glacis was more collected. He pointed to the door of the meeting room

laughed as he got

is the job of a

the path to the empty

wooden door and walked to his seat

locomotive and discovered that the large-scale steel mine he spoke of only existed on the

curious, “Before making such a major financial decision, wouldn’t you choose a representative and ascertain if whatever

Christina responded quickly,

the people Lanevus employed, the place he rented, and the land that

question them any further. He maintained his attitude of a Seer

wish to see if this is salvageable or not,” Christina said as she looked at

of paper and a

an astrolabe

the Thunderous constellation and the corresponding symbols

more elements in his astrolabe than an ordinary person would have. The method he was going to use to interpret the astrolabe was going to bring him

your greed and anxiety, you will fall further into the abyss, never being able to free yourselves. But if you can be patient and wait persistently without being greedy,

a moment before

How can I divine anything? Unless you can give me very specific details, or an item he carries

silent for a moment before pushing a

heard from Glacis that you are a true seer, who is respectful and fearful of fate and not greedy for money. You can think of the rest as tips that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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