Daxter Guderian, a doctor of the Greenhill Mental Asylum…

Klein silently repeated what the detective had said and started to think about the ways he could interact with this doctor whom he suspected to be a Spectator from the Psychology Alchemists.

He didn’t want to take too much of a risk on this matter. He didn’t want the Nighthawks to discover that he was problematic. He didn’t want to lose the life he had now over a mere exchange of information and resources.

Furthermore, this person was most probably a Spectator. Anyone who hadn’t undergone special training wouldn’t be able to hide their motives and thoughts from a person like that.

I’ll get a proxy, making me appear a little more mysterious? No, the more people involved, the easier it is for there to be problems… Yes… perhaps I can hide the truth within the truth. I’ll let that doctor know of my thoughts and feelings through my expression and body language, but not the whole truth…

As Detective Henry described Daxter Guderian, Klein thought about what methods he could use to minimize risk without affecting the results he wanted.

Slowly, he found inspiration in a detective film he had once seen.

Well, I can try that, but I’ll have to practice it repeatedly… Klein nodded inwardly before directing his full concentration on what Detective Henry had to say.

Cough… Henry cleared his throat and said, “We are still working on the request involving the red chimney. You should know that there are many buildings in Tingen that have similar characteristics. Of course, it would be much easier if you could provide us with more clues.”

Klein laughed dryly.

“I wouldn’t have had to make the request if I had more clues.”

Honestly, this long investigation had depressed him, for the person behind the scenes had obviously noticed Klein’s divinations and had more than enough time to find another hideout.

Thus, all he could do was hope that he could find relevant clues from the information of the tenants.

And that alone cost seven pounds… Just the thought of it made him feel the pinch… Klein grabbed his cane and left after Detective Henry finished his report.

At twenty minutes to nine on a Saturday morning, in an office of the Greenhill Mental Asylum.

Daxter Guderian, who was wearing gold-rimmed spectacles, removed his jacket and hat and hung them on the clothes rack.

He had just picked up his tin of coffee powder when he heard knocking on the door.

“Please come in,” Daxter said casually.

The half-closed door opened, and a young man wearing a black windbreaker entered.

Daxter didn’t recognize the person that walked in, so he asked, puzzled, “Good morning, you are?”

Klein closed the door, took off his hat, and pressed it against his chest before bowing.

“Good morning, Doctor Daxter, please forgive me for taking the liberty to visit without any warning. I am Probationary Inspector Klein Moretti of the Awwa Police Department. These are my identification documents and badge.”


looked up slowly, his eyes calm, as

hair, pupils slightly darker than brown, a scholarly aura, no ill intent at

to the chair on the other

a seat, Officer.

sat down and placed his cane to the side. He slowly put away his documents and badge, then


Nighthawks Squad, specializing in dealing with

“Good morning, Mr. Spectator.”

sentence, he wasn’t surprised to see Daxter’s pupils constrict. Daxter retracted his hand, looking like he was about

few words, almost unable

from his armpit holster,

can see my confidence and that I do not have any ill intent. Heh heh, honestly speaking, I wasn’t too

said just now is

revolver. He asked, confused, “I find it hard to understand why you came looking for

laughed and replied, “It was just a coincidence, or perhaps fate wanted

once in the underground market at Evil Dragon Bar,

purchase the supplementary ingredients for the potion first, but since

suddenly exhaled, as if he just lost the motivation to

“I see…

thought I was careful enough, to think

he looked into Klein’s eyes and said, “Officer, I know that you’re not here to arrest me. What is your true motive for

other Nighthawks. I don’t believe that Beyonders not within our ranks

up and said, “The world would be at peace if the other Nighthawks, Mandated Punishers, and Machinery Hivemind acted like

of other members from the Nighthawks, Mandated Punishers, and Machinery Hivemind?” Klein feigned surprise. “This is not something a

leaned back and said with

watched Daxter’s expression contort

answer, yet I still missed the bait and fell

Spectator state wasn’t omnipotent. He could tell why the other party was

cylinder of his revolver and said, “Doctor, we need

management are potential criminals, but I agree that every Beyonder must be registered and monitored. This is a precaution against the risk of Beyonders losing control. It’s to avoid the occurrence

but I hope that

Daxter asked, as if


“Yes, limited.

You should know that it is possible to save someone

Beyonder in your organization who is about

something for items that you could make more use of. This is a perk I am giving you. You

need not worry about being suddenly prosecuted by members of the Nighthawks, Mandated Punishers, or Machinery Hivemind one day. You can live your

you something you can use to prove your identity. You can use it when

on silently. It was a while before he said, “You want me

are stopping something evil,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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