Time flew by and Tingen bade farewell to the end of summer. The temperature hovered between twenty-six and twenty-seven degrees Celsius.


Klein stood up from the bathtub and took a stride forward, sending water droplets to the floor.

He stood there naked, looking down at his abs. He flexed and saw prominent muscle lines appear.

That was the result of his daily training. Besides, he appeared a lot more energetic.

And just today, his combat teacher, Gawain had started teaching him the basic footwork for punching and the techniques for delivering force.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Klein stepped on the floor barefooted in the bathroom, either sliding forward or retreating before dodging to the right and swinging his fist while he made a defensive gesture.

Phew. He stopped and let out a breath happily. He took the towel next to him and wiped himself down.

After getting in touch with Daxter Guderian, the doctor in the mental asylum, Klein seemed to escape from coincidences for two whole weeks. Without the constant barrage of supernatural incidents, his life became stable. He received his paycheck on time, researched mysticism in-depth, trained his marksmanship and fighting skills, developed new cooking recipes, slowly gathered decent utensils and decorations with Benson and Melissa, asked his teammates about supernatural cases in the past, divined for people who came to the club, and strictly followed the principles he figured out.

That made him more stable. If it wasn’t for the late nights in which he still missed Earth, the red chimney that had yet to be uncovered, or the Misfortune Cloth Puppet’s picture that still appeared in his dreams occasionally, he would’ve started getting used to his current life and think of it affectionately.

During that time, three Tarot Club Gatherings were convened, but Klein didn’t receive any new pages of Roselle’s diary. However, according to Justice’s explanation, she had gotten to know two Beyonders and she was getting in touch with them consistently. When she got into their circle of acquaintances, it was likely that she could trade for more pages of Roselle’s diary.

The Hanged Man also expressed that he had returned to land and was dealing with some matters. He would begin looking for more as soon as he had more free time.

Besides, Justice felt that the two Beyonders whom she knew were potential targets to join the Gathering. They both had decent identities as cover, with certain but different channels of information, as well as principles and unique characteristics. They were not the kind of people that would sell out a secret. The only problem was that they were only Sequence 9 Beyonders, which wasn’t too suitable for a high-end secret organization like the Tarot Club.

High-end secret organization? Sounds more like a pyramid scheme… Klein only let out a heavy sigh to cover up the fact that he was at a loss for words to reply to Miss Justice’s complacency. He could only agree to observe the two Beyonders further.

Of course, Justice wasn’t the innocent and romantic maiden from before. She kept her guard up and never mentioned the names and traits of the two Beyonders. She was afraid that The Hanged Man would be able to identify her through that.

Miss Justice said that she clearly feels the signs of the potion digesting. She might need another three to four weeks until she completes her acting as a Spectator. My scheduled acquisition of the Telepathist formula has to be brought forward… Klein threw aside the towel that he used to dry himself and put on his clothes as he thought about the Tarot Club from the day before.

In the last twenty days, he had only met Daxter Guderian once. He had the idea of haste makes waste, so he merely chatted about the doctor’s state and asked unimportant matters about the Psychology Alchemists.

Given the speed with which Justice was digesting the potion, he had no choice but to begin thinking about how to get the formula of Sequence 8 Telepathist from Daxter earlier.

wrap around his

Justice, he was digesting the Seer potion even faster than expected. By this week, the sounds that he shouldn’t hear and things that he shouldn’t see had already vanished while engaging in Cogitation

head to look at the door and muttered to himself, “The Seer principles that I’ve figured out are really efficient. Next week… I should be able to digest the potion entirely by next week. I have no idea where to get the single horn of a matured Hornacis gray mountain goat and a complete stalk of a human-faced rose required by the Clown formula… Maybe I could do as Lady Daly did and send in a special application? But that would definitely attract the attention of the higher-ups, and I want to develop at my own pace. The believer from the Aurora Order in the police department was found too, but I have yet to find out who this Mr.

of money has returned to slightly more than seven pounds,

and tenants that he provided before didn’t seem to have

see which red chimney houses have gotten

that’s one way

suit from the floor and tossed it into the laundry basket. He opened the door and exited the bathroom. He had just finished

Gawain’s maidservant happened to

nodded slightly and pointed at

clean this

be taken care of by the laundry maid. She’ll come over at six.” The maidservant held her head low

the laundry from several households. Either they rushed around daily, washing one household’s clothes before going to the next, or they would gather all the clothes from different households and take care of it all at the same time, before sending it all

much but returned to the living room to bid farewell to the owner who

lethargically, a light brown blanket covering his legs and the Awwa Evening News in his

a fact that the gentleman bathing in the setting sun’s glow was in his early fifties, but his listlessness made

combat training, Gawain maintained silence and only give pointers when he needed to. He wasn’t one for casual chatting. Klein was so exhausted from the daily training that he had no intention of trying to engage in conversation. Thus,

and he also bought a plot of land in a village out in the Tingen suburbs that provides a fixed

away from Gawain and shook his head. Then, he went to the clothes rack to take down his top

he took his cane and exited the house. He walked along the weed-covered

the metal fence, and there was a man with a familiar face standing next

Klein muttered, looking suspiciously towards

in a white shirt, black trousers, and buttonless leather boots as he twirled his hat in his hands. When he

surprise, without any joy… Klein ignored Leonard’s inappropriate behavior and looked into the fake poet’s green

“What happened?”

and said, “Captain wants you to work with me and

Klein followed him

outside of the carriage flew past, Leonard took up the document

steadily and took out a document. He then

a workhouse in West Borough, the bankrupt Salus attempted arson to cause

Zid jumped into the Tussock River and ended his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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