Tingen City, 2 Daffodil Street.

Klein, who had left a note, locked the door and walked briskly towards Leonard Mitchell who was waiting by the side of the road.

Leonard’s short black hair had grown a little over the month, and the lack of any grooming made it look messy.

Despite that, his messy hair still complimented his decent looks, emerald-colored eyes, and poetic vibes. It exuded a different sense of beauty.

Indeed, any hairstyle depends on the face… Klein lampooned inwardly. He pointed in the direction of Iron Cross Street and asked, “Is Frye waiting for us there?”

“Yes.” Leonard smoothed his untucked shirt and said casually, “Did you notice any clues when you were looking at the documents?”

Klein held his cane in his left hand as he walked along the side of the road and said, “No, I cannot find anything common in their times, locations, or causes of death. You should know that any rituals involving evil gods or devils must be conducted within a certain time frame or using a special method.”

Leonard touched the custom-made revolver hidden underneath his shirt, by his waist and chuckled.

“That isn’t an absolute rule. In my experience, some evil gods or devils are easily satisfied, as long as they have a particular interest in what is being asked of them.

“Also, a good number of the deaths seem normal. We have to omit them before we can arrive at the real answer.”

Klein glanced at him and said, “That’s why the Captain asked us to investigate once more. To eliminate the normal incidents.”

“Leonard, your tone and description tell me that you have considerable experience in this area, but you have only been a member of the Nighthawks for four years, with an average of two supernatural incidents a month. Furthermore, a large number of those were simple and easy to solve.”

He always felt that Leonard Mitchell was a little weird and mysterious. Not only was he always suspicious of him, believing that there was something about him. In addition, his demeanor also changed from time to time, sometimes quiet, sometimes arrogant, sometimes flippant, sometimes staid.

“Could it be that you’ve also had a fortuitous encounter? An encounter that makes you view yourself as a star in a play?” Klein made a rough deduction based on all the movies, novels, and dramas he had watched in the past.

Upon hearing this question, Leonard laughed and said, “That’s because you’re not a full-fledged Nighthawk yet. You’re still in the training phase.

“The Holy Cathedral compiles a record of all supernatural encounters experienced by cathedrals of the different dioceses and hands it down to its members once every six months.

“Aside from your mysticism lessons, you can submit an application to the Captain and request to enter Chanis Gate to read these records.”

Klein nodded in enlightenment.

“The Captain has never mentioned this to me.”

Klein hadn’t had the opportunity to enter Chanis Gate up to this point.

chuckled and said, “I thought that you were already used to the Captain’s style. To think that you are still naively waiting for him to remind

be cautious of the Captain if there ever comes a

his expression serious. He then asked, “Is the forgetfulness unique to the Captain? I had thought that it was a problem brought about by the Sleepless

midnight oil usually leads to memory

a person to differentiate between what is real and what isn’t. They need to remember what

hat and a windbreaker of a similar color with a leather briefcase in his hand. He was so pale that it made Klein suspect if he would soon collapse at anytime. His icy aura made everyone else waiting for the carriage keep their distance from

nodding to each other, the three grouped up silently and walked past the Smyrin Bakery before turning onto the Lower Street

selling clam soup, seared fish, ginger beer, and

little past five. People were returning to Iron Cross Street, and the sides of the streets were becoming crowded. Some children were mixed in the crowd, coldly watching everything, placing their

food and was familiar with the streets, especially since he had lived in a nearby apartment in the past. He reminded the group,



shifted away. The pedestrians around them instinctively made

up to Leonard and Frye with large steps. He lowered his head, trying hard to

still had dealings with the neighbors here. After all, they hadn’t moved too

their way past the area that was had many peddlers and turned into the true Lower Street of Iron

all dressed in old, ragged clothes. They were cautious of strangers wearing bright and beautiful clothes; yet, there was also greed in their eyes, like vultures eyeing a meal, waiting to strike at any time. But Leonard’s revolver

Lauwis, a lady who glued matchboxes together for a living.” Leonard flipped his notes and

and dressed in shabby clothes quickly hid by the corner of the road.

their arms and legs, thin as matchsticks.”

was a mixture of numerous scents entered Klein’s nostrils. He could faintly detect

He then saw Bitsch Mountbatten who had been

had a brownish-yellow mustache and was envious of Leonard’s rank of

asked Lauwis to wait in her room,” Bitsch Mountbatten said with his unique, shrill

more energized and proper. All he cared about was sucking up to the three officers in front

glue and hard paper on the right side. The corner of the room was piled full

of coal and timber occupied the two sides of the door, while the center of the room was occupied by two dirty mattresses. A man was sleeping under a torn blanket, leaving no space for anyone

skin ice cold. It was clear that

sat a man in his thirties. He had oily hair, looked dispirited, and his

ask you questions,”

surprise, “Didn’t someone already examine

in a grayish-blue worker’s uniform which had visible signs

Klein, and Frye. “Officers, this is Lauwis. The person on the bed is

and the rest tiptoed to the edge of

say anything with his cold demeanor. Instead, he patted Lauwis gently, signaling for the man to make way so that he could examine

the sleeping man and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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