“There is the presence of supernatural factors…” Klein’s eyes returned to normal, and he looked at Leonard and Frye.

Leonard suddenly chuckled.

“Very professional, and deserving of the title of Seer.”

Are you trying to hint at something… Klein muttered in his head.

Frye opened his suitcase and took out a silver knife and other tools. He paused and asked, “The corpse tells me that she really died of a sudden heart attack. Do you have any way to divine a more detailed answer?”

Klein nodded seriously and said, “I can attempt to combine a mediumship ritual and a dream divination. Hopefully, I’ll be able to obtain something from Mrs. Lauwis’s remaining spirituality.”

Frye maintained his cold and reserved state. He took two steps back and said, “Give it a try.”

He turned his head sideways and looked at Klein. He suddenly sighed without much fluctuation in his tone. “You’re getting more and more used to this kind of situation.”

It’s not like I wanted it… Klein had an urge to cry. He then took out the bottles of pure dew, essential oils, and herbal powder. Then, he quickly set up the mediumship ritual.

He chanted the honored titles of the Evernight Goddess in the middle of the spirituality wall and recited his prayers in Hermes.

Soon, wind spun around him and the light grew dimmer.

Klein’s eyes turned entirely black, and he repeated the divination statement, “The cause of Mrs. Lauwis’s death.

“The cause of Mrs. Lauwis’s death.”

He entered the dreamland whilst standing and ‘saw’ a translucent spirit lingering around the corpse.

Then, he extended his illusory right hand to touch Mrs. Lauwis’s remaining spirituality.

In an instance, light burst out in front of him as scenes flashed past, one after another.

There was a skinny and sallow lady dressed in ragged clothes, busily making matchboxes.

She suddenly paused and held her chest.

She was speaking to her two children.

Her body wavered as she gasped for air.

black bread when

symptoms of a heart attack again and

into bed, but she never woke up

observed every single detail, intending to look for a trace of the supernatural factor. But when everything ended, he still hadn’t gained any clues. As the blurriness shattered, Klein left the dreamland and returned to

said to the waiting Frye and

revealed that Mrs. Lauwis had a heart ailment a long time ago. The only scene that was different was when Mrs. Lauwis was patted on the

they wouldn’t go to a doctor unless they’re very, very sick. Even if they were to queue at a free charity hospital, time is not something they can afford to lose. A day without work might mean no food on the table the next day.” Leonard

at the corpse on the

pensive state and said thoughtfully, “Are you implying that the supernatural factor came into play when Mrs. Lauwis was patted? It came from the slender hand of a lady or

“Yes, but this is merely my interpretation. Divination

stepped back to the other side of the bed and allowed Frye to take out his tools from his suitcase without any disturbance, so he could do a further

his tools. After cleaning up and covering the corpse, he turned around and said, “Her death was caused by a natural heart

door, paused for quite a while before saying, “That’s it for now. Let’s head

can only hope,” Klein agreed, still

carefully went across

opened the door and walked out of the room first.

bury the body. Wait for another day, as there might be one more

have the money

shocked and asked, “You plan on letting the corpse remain in the room for a few

“Yea, thankfully, the weather became colder recently. I can move the body onto the table at night. When we

to say, Frye suddenly interrupted, “I’ve left

words in absolute calmness, he exited the apartment directly, unbothered by Lauwis’s shocked expression and

followed closely and thought of

hot as June or July, how

a very dark night with strong winds, throw the corpse into the Tussock River or the Khoy River? Or

law requiring a cemetery burial had been established more than a thousand years ago, at the end of the previous Epoch. The seven major churches and imperial households from

free land, while each church was in charge of keeping watch and patrolling. They only charged minimum fees for cremation and burial

so, the truly poor still

the three Nighthawks and Bitsch Mountbatten parted ways. Silently, they took a turn

just like when the people from the

queuing were in tattered clothes with numb expressions. They only occasionally looked towards

homeless poor each workhouse will accept daily. They can only take them in based on the queue order. Of course, the workhouse will examine and refuse entry to those who

the recent months has played a part

queue will have to figure out a way of their own?” Klein

people mostly starve for a day. Then, they lose their ability to find a job and fall into a vicious cycle that leads directly to death. Those who can’t withstand the


never publish any of this… Mr. Frye,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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