After hearing Klein’s and Frye’s guesses, Leonard tugged on his collar and paced about, saying, “Then we have to investigate everyone in the workhouse who came into contact with Salus, as well as everyone he came across after he went bankrupt and was chased out of the house. It’s very troublesome indeed… Time is of the essence. Let’s split up and do a cursory check here, then head to the third reported death in the West Borough and leave the rest to the police.”

“Alright,” Klein answered without hesitation.

Frye didn’t have any objections. He turned towards the people who had been sleeping near Salus last night.

Klein was about to find someone to question when he suddenly saw Leonard shooting looks at him. He was motioning at the side hall of the workhouse with his chin.

What does he want? Klein was a little lost. He acted as though nothing had happened and strolled around the hall, then followed Leonard into the side hall while Frye was distracted. They made their way through the partition to a silent corner which had no one else around.

“I have a hypothesis,” Leonard suddenly said, stopping in front of a shattered window.

Klein looked around in confusion. “What’s your hypothesis?”

Leonard with his deep green eyes, he returned a question, “If there were no supernatural factors, what do you think Mrs. Lauwis’s outcome would’ve been?”

Klein thought for a moment, then said solemnly, “The same, just delayed by a week or two, perhaps a month. But to a family like theirs, they would’ve only seen the doctor when she really was at her limit. As long as her heart problems turned for the worse, there would be no way for her to be saved.”

“Then what about Salus? If he hadn’t been instigated by someone, what kind of end would he have?” Leonard asked again.

Klein pondered and said, “From the description in the information, Salus was already very angry about his bankruptcy, and was furious that no one saved him. I think that he would’ve exacted his vengeance sooner or later, but not at the people at the workhouse. He might’ve targeted the boss that made him bankrupt or the staff of the bank that seized his house.”

“What would the result of his revenge be?” Leonard pressed on.

“Without a doubt, he had already decided to end his life. He would have died no matter what the result of his revenge was.” Klein gave an affirmative answer.

Leonard nodded and revealed his signature flippant smile.

“Then can we conclude that Mrs Lauwis and Salus were both people fated to die soon?

Klein was a ‘knowledgeable’ keyboard warrior. Upon hearing the question, he immediately had a guess.

“You’re saying that their deaths were moved forward by some supernatural factors? But why?”

factor. It was stolen. And life force is the

or conducting terrifying curses…” Klein looked into Leonard’s emerald eyes and said, half in doubt, “You seem to be very sure

pretense between us. I saw you break free from the control of Sealed Artifact 2-049, and I know that you’re special. And you should be able to sense that I’m a

disappeared as he

are many special people in this world

items that people wish to obtain, to control. They wish to become the stars of their own show. There aren’t many people like that, but it’s impossible that

long as your actions are not endangering me, the Nighthawks, or Tingen City, then you’re still my partner. Similarly, I hope that you’ll look at me with the same attitude. Of course, it’s

imagine… Klein thought to himself. He said frankly, “I share the same sentiments as you. I’ll only look at your actions and your motives and don’t care about how

his heart, No, actually I do mind and am very curious, but I’m putting up with it for now. Hmm, Leonard thinks that

of his

we have this

meeting of two protagonists. The wheels of history

Klein gave

are set in motion” came from the

eyes brightened as he curled the corners

these deaths would’ve died within the next three months, but their deaths have been brought forward to the past two weeks by someone, through

given that their victims already showed signs that they were going to die soon. This wouldn’t attract the attention of the police department, or be disrupted by the Nighthawks, Mandated Punishers, or Machinery Hivemind during the culprit’s preparatory phase…” Klein muttered to himself and analyzed the

normal people were to suddenly

an evil god, devil, or conduct a terrible curse, he or she would need a sacrificial altar, a ritual. The harvested life force would also have to be stored in a similar place.” Klein chose to believe in Leonard, for he didn’t have any other clues and was unable to make any other

hurt to

that within your professional domain? Can’t

aura of death with the altar at the center. There wouldn’t be any living things other than the person conducting the ritual in a ten-meter radius. The surrounding temperature would be at least five degrees lower than the average temperature, with a cold wind blowing past it continuously… And

at Klein and teased, “I think that you would be able to divine roughly where an altar with the following qualities

within Tingen City. Furthermore, I would need a quiet place where I wouldn’t be disturbed. My house, for example. I would also

heart also skipped a beat. He felt that Leonard was a little too knowledgeable

laughed. He suddenly stepped past Klein and walked toward the hall, not saying

has a unique style… Klein cursed

a serious tone and said, “I have a hypothesis and was hoping that Klein

hypothesis?” Frye asked,

tell you if there is a result. I don’t want to be laughed at by Rozanne and the rest.” Leonard gave a whimsical excuse

instructions and obtained Salus’s and Mrs

disturb me.” Klein took out his pocket watch and looked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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