2 Daffodil Street. Inside the living room that was painted with the luster of dusk.

Klein stood in front of the oriel window as he told Frye and Leonard.

“My divination revealed something. I saw a grayish-blue two-story building in my dream. The windows on the first floor were all shut tight, and the curtains were drawn. It’s surrounded by a few meters of brown soil without any greenery or flowers. It also has a terribly gloomy garden, just like the kind you find in a horror story.

“The only characteristic that can be used to identify it is a nearby river, a slightly broad river.

“It might be the Tussock River or Khoy River. We could only find out through process of elimination. Hopefully we can still make it in time.”

The Tussock River was the biggest river in the Loen Kingdom, coming down from the northwest where the Mirminsk mountain was. It flowed towards the southeast, passing by the Midseashire, Awwa County, and then passing through the capital, Backlund, and into the sea near Pritz Harbor.

The locations where it converged in Tingen City included the southwest corner of the West Borough and the harbor in the South Borough. The source of the Khoy River came from the northern York Mountain as it passed through the university district in the East Borough and locally merged with the Tussock River.

Those were the two main rivers around Tingen. The rest could only be considered streams, and none of them had an expansive water surface.

Upon hearing Klein’s description, the pale and cold Frye nodded lightly in agreement.

Since there were no other clues, process of elimination was the only efficient method!

Just then, Leonard smiled and said, “Perhaps we can narrow down the possible locations of the target.”

“How do we narrow down the possibilities?” Klein frowned and asked in reply as he looked at the silver vine-leaf pocket watch.

Leonard chuckled.

“A criminal with a plan and a goal would select targets somewhere far away from the location of his altar. This is a result of their natural instinct—to be safe.

“Only when there aren’t many soon-to-be-dead people left in the areas far from his altar would he consider the nearer targets.

“So, we should read through the information again, exclude the areas where the number of death incidents rose rapidly above average standards.

Klein’s eyes lit up when he heard that.

“Brilliant conjecture!”

At the same time, he sighed inwardly, I really don’t have the talent to be a detective!

Frye nodded and picked up the documents on the coffee table and started reading it again.

After a few minutes, he deepened his hoarse voice and said, “There really is such a region, and there’s only one possibility.”

“Which area?” Klein asked.

information to Leonard who was next to him. He pursed his thin

the West Borough? Klein clenched

let’s search the southwestern area of West Borough. That

hands in agreement, as though he wasn’t the one who suggested narrowing down the

carriage slowly drove along the muddy road. Beside them, the red and orange glow of the

for a grayish-blue house with a dilapidated garden. If possible, they would take note if the curtains on the

in his original spot, leaning against the wall of the carriage

scenery flew past, and Klein caught sight of a grayish-blue two-story building

the building was a gloomy garden that appeared in

said while

Frye and Leonard squeezed over to look out the window. There was almost

building, the dark curtains that were drawn on the first floor appeared

certain that it was the building

the carriage driver to continue driving forward. They passed their target and continued away from it, as

see the building when they turned around, Leonard told

Captain to come here for

dangerous mission? This fellow is still quite a nice guy… Klein was stunned as he realized

Frye nodded in agreement.

training and your job is a support

so many in order to hold a ritual won’t be an easy opponent. Only the Captain could make this situation less terrifying… Klein

at Frye before forcing a smile

a lot. Until the Captain arrives, we’ll only keep watch, and we won’t get close.” Leonard

anything but

quiet for a while, he then took out a copper penny and said, “Let me

a good outcome.” He flipped the coin at the


the air,

and saw it was the King’s head. He immediately let out a breath

be careful and prudent at all times,” he explained to

turned around. He waved and jumped off

naggy as

seriously and got off with

the revolver

driver, who had been hired by the hour, didn’t object

36 Zouteland Street.

Company, Rozanne, Mrs. Orianna, and the others had already gotten off work. It was unusually

area. The gas lamp was unlit,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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