Klein was hidden in the shadows of a building dozens of meters away from the target building. He heard the faint sound of gunshots and the howling of violent winds.

If the enemy runs towards me, should I draw my gun or should I pretend that I didn’t see him? He thought as he shivered in cold sweat.

A Beyonder that could, through various means, cut short the lives of others definitely wasn’t a Sequence 9 or Sequence 8 Beyonder. They certainly wouldn’t be someone that a Seer like him could fight against face to face. Even if he sacrificed himself, he might not be able to slow the target down enough for Dunn and Leonard to catch up with him.

It was fortunate that the Evernight Goddess, the Mistress of Disaster, seemed to hear her ‘loyal’ guard’s prayers. No one ran towards the location where Klein was hiding.

After a few minutes, he heard a melodious song coming from the target building.

Cocking his ears to the side so he could hear better, Klein confirmed that it was the popular local tune that Leonard Mitchell always hummed. It was filled with base words.

Phew. He let out a breath of relief. He held his gun in one hand and his cane in the other. He then walked out of the shadows towards the target building.

The popular local tune was the meeting signal that he had agreed upon with Dunn and the rest!

Klein took two steps and suddenly paused. He leaned his cane against the metal fencing and switched the revolver to his other hand.

Then, he took off the silver chain inside his sleeve and let the topaz pendant hang down naturally.

Klein waited till the topaz stabilized and immediately closed his eyes and entered a Cogitation state. He recited a divination statement, “The singing earlier was an illusion.

“The singing earlier was an illusion.”

After repeating seven times, he opened his eyes and saw the pendant spinning counterclockwise.

“It’s not an illusion…” Klein put away his pendulum, grabbed his cane, and quickly got close to the arch-shaped metal gate leading to the target building. He then passed the black cane to his right hand and held it with the revolver.

He extended his hands to touch the fence, intending to push it open, but he suddenly felt a piercing chill. It was as though someone had poured a bucket of ice down his neck without warning.

Klein hissed and jerked his hands back, his teeth clenched.

“It’s just like winter here…” Under the dim starlight and distant street lamp, he looked through the garden behind the metal fencing. He saw the withered branches, fallen flowers, and leaves covered with white frost on the brown soil.

Amazing! Klein marveled in his head. He bent his fingers and tapped his glabella to activate his Spirit Vision.

He returned his silver-inlaid cane to his left hand and pushed it against the fence to open the closed gate.

The gate squeaked, and he passed through it sideways. He stepped onto the stone path that led directly to the grayish-blue building. On both sides of the path were twisted plants that seemed to resemble ghouls in the dark.

The scene reminded Klein of various horror stories and paranormal films.

He subconsciously slowed down his breathing and walked faster. However, after just a few more steps, someone suddenly patted his left shoulder.

Klein’s heart skipped, then started thumping

raised his right hand, aimed his revolver, and

the dim light, he saw a

what we call ‘scaring ourselves’?” Klein twitched the corner of his lips, waved the cane, and knocked

as faint sobs sounded in his

of a living person and the

immediately ran into the door of the

a sense of the atmosphere?” It’s much scarier than the last time I helped Sir Deweyville… The resentment of that aggrieved spirit is more “rigid” than the shadows. She hadn’t taken

Smith stood right before the altar with his back to Klein. He took one puppet after another and looked at

his hand in an attempt to comfort them, but all his hand did was pass

he changed his tone, turning his voice softer

the morn without a



pattering to the ground

the poem, Klein seemed to see a clear lake reflecting the moonlight and a crimson moon hanging quietly, high in the

down and stopped chasing after

“This is a

a ritual to comfort the remaining spirits, then try to communicate with the spirits of the dead

burden, immediately held his chest out and said,

the altar in a few steps and extended his hands to sweep the

of his eyes that every puppet had

you know?”

as Dunn looked at him. Both of them fell


of this. Luckily, the Captain will forget about this… I wonder if that’s an advantage or a disadvantage? He thought, half glad, half

Dunn seemed to finally be capable of differentiating reality from the dreamworld. He replied,

hand still extended to put a candle back to where it was

Mayer, the survivor of the Alfalfa tragedy,” Dunn replied

have been instigated and misled by someone, causing him to bring

hand and said in a deep voice,

survivors of the Alfalfa tragedy? Because he didn’t

targets scattered throughout Tingen. After two or three murders, he would’ve been noticed by the Nighthawks, Mandated Punishers, and the

nodded first, then he

His curse ritual can only affect

host of the ritual is a

eyebrows and asked, “Perhaps it’s an expert that the Theosophy Order sent

of the Theosophy Order might involve the Demoness Sect. It’s fairly normal for their

voice, “I agree with your judgment. Although we only encountered that woman and not Tris, there are guesses that we can make. Such as, the woman and Tris don’t stay together. Or, that Tris was out

anything further. He set the three candles in place, took out the Full Moon Essence Oil, crimson sandalwood, and

dagger to make a sealed wall, he started praying to the Evernight Goddess, the Mistress of Calm and Silence. He prayed that the shadows inside and outside the house would

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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