When faced with a strange sense of familiarity, other Sequence 9 Beyonders might try their best to recall or even disregard and forget about it. But a Seer was different. Klein immediately ended the ritual and dispelled the wall of spirituality. He took out a piece of paper and wrote on it a statement: “The source of the sense of familiarity.”

After which, he sat on the edge of the bed in the room and silently recited it with the piece of paper in hand.

Seven times later, his pupils became darker. He fell asleep with the help of Cogitation and started conversing with his own spirituality.

In the hazy, contorted world, Klein saw a carriage. He saw a young lady wearing a long gray dress.

This lady had smooth black hair, her face a little round. She had a gentle and pleasant demeanor, but her body was shivering unnaturally.

The image flickered and once again, Klein saw this young, pretty lady at the underground market. She was squatting and conversing with someone.

The dream receded quickly and Klein woke up, understanding why the image he saw in the mirror was so familiar.

He had met this person before!

The first time was at Daffodil Street, in the district near Iron Cross Street. The Captain and the rest were chasing down Instigator Tris that night… There must be a connection. Klein thought for a few seconds, then set up the ritual once again. He asked for the help of the Goddess to sketch the portrait of the enemy in his memory.

Dunn and the rest had been waiting silently, without interrupting Klein unnecessarily. Only when he was done sketching did they crowd over and inspect the portrait.

“You met her before?” Dunn asked.

Klein nodded slightly and answered simply, “Yes. I saw her at the public carriage stop on Daffodil Street the night when you were going after the Instigator. It was in the district near Iron Cross Street.”

“Then, there’s a good chance that she was the enemy just now. The partner of the Instigator.” Dunn nodded in thought.

Leonard suddenly chimed in, “Don’t any of you feel that this portrait is very familiar? She looks a lot like Instigator Tris!”

Klein froze, immediately casting his gaze at the portrait again and studying it carefully.

“Yeah, they look very similar indeed. Round face, narrow eyes, gentle demeanor…” The more he looked at the portrait, the more he felt that what Leonard said made sense. The biggest difference was that Instigator Tris had ordinary features while the young lady could be considered pretty.

Klein raised his head and looked at Leonard, noticing that he was signaling something to him by raising his brows.

What does he mean? Klein was confused.

Dunn Smith guessed, “She could be the Instigator’s sister. Maybe like her brother she joined the Theosophy Order or the Demoness Sect.”

Leonard sighed after he realized how bad Klein was at reading his mind. He said in a serious tone, “I have a bold idea.”

“What idea?” Dunn asked.

described succinctly, “I think that this


that Instigator Tris is actually female, or a male who’s pretending to be a female? No, from the dream, I can confirm that she’s

been exposed to many creative and ridiculous plots after all. He took another look at

Instigator Tris

would the trail leading to Tris suddenly sever? Why couldn’t they find any traces, even with divination? Perhaps because there was a fundamental change to their target! The only question was how he could change into a woman

This can perfectly explain why Instigator Tris had seemed to vanish. It also fits

and Frye were momentarily at a loss for

things, it was their first time dealing with a

in the upper echelons of the Demoness Sect that used to be men?” Dunn asked. He didn’t

that the potion

the Seer… No, definitely not. That is the pathway of the Demoness. Even the name of the potion sounds wrong. But I still don’t know what

a thing?” Frye asked with a

threw up

low sequence potion can cause unimaginable changes. After all, they all

look at Klein. “Try to divine

of dresses and picked out

held his cane over the dress and recalled the target’s features and relevant information. He then began to recite

“Tris’s… no, Trissy’s whereabouts

“Trissy’s whereabouts.”

from brown

his cane, allowing the black cane

cane failed to fall.

an interference…” Klein said with

that our assumptions

now was most probably Instigator Tris,

seeing this,

up to the reputation of the Demoness Sect which has been

had transformed into Trissy, Dunn deduced that she wasn’t part of the Theosophy Order, but

and said, “We can search for her through different means, such as where these clothes came from or the owner of this house. We can also get the police department to patrol the train

will definitely have had enough time to leave Tingen. Yes… I’ll try it again above the gray fog when I’m back at home. Klein was cautious of people like Trissy who wanted to unleash a massacre on a whim. He wanted to desperately find her and execute her on

his temples and paused for a few seconds. He said to Klein, partially to test him and also to teach him. “How would you have handled this evening’s mission? Assume that me, Leonard, and Frye are the only

and thought for more than ten

the ritual would take effect soon. If the answer was negative, then I’d stick to observing and not approach. Then I’d notify the police department to deploy personnel around the area, as well as gather at least five cannons to bombard

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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