Sis, you worry too much, no—you’re just so meticulous! Klein was suddenly energized. He smiled and said, “Melissa, your concern is very reasonable. It’s true that I’m actually a little hungry. Yeah, let me change and take a shower.”

Although his mouth was already watering, it was even more important to confirm Instigator Trissy’s whereabouts!

No one knew what insane measures that bastard would take in order to exact revenge on society!

“Okay.” Melissa didn’t lift her head but continued her revision.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Klein ran to the second floor and entered his bedroom.

He locked the door, took off his jacket, and armpit holster. Then, he took out a simple silver knife from the drawer.

After sealing his room with a spirituality wall, he took a breath, steadied his emotions, and walked four steps counterclockwise.

After the usual incantation, Klein appeared once again in the lofty palace above the gray fog. He was getting used to the mad ravings that he heard during the transportation process.

Having completed a few rituals that day, he massaged his temples as he was slightly tired. He willed a piece of brown goatskin to appear on the long bronze table.

Klein thought seriously, then wrote down the divination statement: “Trissy’s whereabouts.”

He wasn’t sure if the name was written correctly, but he could use the girl’s appearance and other detailed information as a guide as well.

He held the goatskin and leaned back into the chair. He recalled the things related to Trissy in his head, then recited the divination statement seven times.

He emptied his mind, closed his eyes, and entered a dream state with the aid of Cogitation.

In the illusory scene amidst the fog, he saw a steam engine that spurted dense smoke and sparks. He also saw the rows of leather seats in a clean train carriage.

The gentle and sweet-looking Trissy with her round face and long eyes sat near a window. There was a checkered fishnet hat on the table before her.

Klein made repeated attempts to confirm the train number, but he failed to discern it.

Soon, he couldn’t stand the pressure and left his dream. The long bronze table and illusory crimson stars appeared before his eyes again.

“I could only confirm that Trissy took the steam locomotive and left Tingen. There weren’t any more clues… Sigh, it seems like this mysterious space only helps me eliminate interferences, but it doesn’t do much to enhance the standard of my divinations…” Klein rapped the edge of the table and thought about his next step.

Through the divination, he could be entirely certain that the target had once been Instigator Tris. The new Trissy, however, was already fleeing Tingen. Given the circumstances, he didn’t think his new divination would help Dunn.

Klein quickly made a decision. “Captain already said that he would send a telegram to Backlund, Enmat Harbor, and other main stops along the railway, so they Trissy will be placed on the wanted list throughout the country. I won’t report the divination result then, in case it would draw suspicion towards me…” Klein quickly made up his mind, because regardless of his warning, Dunn was already using the most appropriate measures to follow up on the matter.

Since he couldn’t see the train number in the dream divination, using the spirit pendulum and other methods would be equally ineffective, even if he attempted to do so by process of elimination.

It was just like the situation with the red chimney.

fog any longer but enveloped himself with his spirituality and simulated the

to his room, his mind was filled with the thought of tasty, glistening

Klein swallowed his saliva, swiftly removed the

nine, he entered the Blackthorn Security Company with his cane in

Rozanne waved her hands excitedly from behind the

up as

The green-dressed Rozanne

What’s the

smile, “The Captain’s request has been approved. The police department is going to transfer two police staff members who have come across supernatural incidents to be clerks here! I


went through the partition

popped his head in and looked around. He saw that Dunn, Leonard, and the rest were still there. It meant that the search and elimination investigation the night before

that Captain was busy typing telegrams, so he decided not to disturb him. He could ask the Captain

gas lamps in their metal racks. He saw the ever-quiet corridor which was lit up by the light behind

but refreshing breeze, took

looked towards the gas


be made by someone with knowledge

gray fog the night before, Klein had seen Trissy taking a steam

world had yet to invent electric lights or similar equipment. When the sky grew dark, there were almost no steam locomotives in operation that ferried humans. Klein, who was accustomed

other words, it wasn’t something

scene from

it was going to happen

and he paced back and forth.

the door to the entertainment room, and he saw that Leonard

cards. He looked towards Leonard and said, “I have

to entertain

then looked into Klein’s eyes and

but said straightforwardly, “I divined that Trissy

workhouse in the West Borough, he didn’t mind appearing slightly

at seven in the morning…” Leonard took out his pocket watch from his shirt and flipped it open to take a glance. “No

the Blackthorn Security Company. After being gone for a few minutes, he returned

heaved a sigh of relief and watched the Captain send a telegram after gathering the other Nighthawks who were

the death of the suited clown. He had committed a

room, he took off his top hat and

some hand-ground coffee. He happily took

sat down, as carefree as if he had returned

spoon of milk? You’re such a

or roasted meat, I prefer

quickly. He pushed it over and said,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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