The light of the gas lamp glowed through the glass, illuminating the guard room. Old Neil finished flipping through his newspaper, took a sip of coffee, and looked at Klein.

“How do you feel now? Have you calmed down? Or do you need a glass of wine, or an advance on your salary, or a day off?”

Klein, who had completely digested the Seer potion, was attempting to change his “switch” that activated his Spirit Vision with Cogitation. He didn’t want it to be too obvious.

The present him no longer needed to rely on a physical motion to activate his Spirit Vision. Therefore, he could use a more concealed approach to achieve his goal; for example, stroking the joints of his middle finger with his thumb in quick succession, or clicking twice with his left molar.

Klein considered the situations in which he needed to use his Spirit Vision while holding a revolver in one hand and a cane in the other. Finally, he settled on clicking his molar. His left molar would be used to activate the Spirit Vision, and his right molar to deactivate it.

After repeatedly suggesting to himself, he completed the change. He then opened his eyes and smiled.

“I was merely too concerned about the Captain’s operation. I don’t need to calm myself down.”

At the same time, he clicked his left molar twice and attempted to activate his Spirit Vision. He wanted to familiarize himself with this method as quickly as possible.

Cough! Cough! Cough! Old Neil started coughing violently. He coughed till his face turned red, like a cooked lobster.

“What happened?” Klein froze before asking in concern.

He scanned Old Neil’s aura seriously, only to notice that the colors representing his health were still normal, only a little dull due to his age.

Old Neil coughed for nearly twenty seconds before earning respite. He felt for his cup of coffee and slowly took a sip. “Everyone makes mistakes, ahem. I choked on my drink just now… Shall we begin our mysticism lessons for today?”

“Alright.” Klein silently clicked his right molars twice.

Klein was elated, yet frustrated that he had completely digested the Seer potion a week or two ahead of his prediction. He was naturally glad that he was freed from the risk of losing control and would advance soon, obtaining even more Beyonder powers. That was something anyone would be happy and excited about. But he was also frustrated, as it disrupted his plans and schedules.

Considering the fact that he still had to stay with the Tingen Nighthawks for some time, Klein thought that secretly advancing to Clown wasn’t the wisest choice. If he did so, he would be constantly worried about being exposed, and he would be unable to use his abilities when there were missions, making it even more dangerous for himself.

He planned to learn from Spirit Medium Daly and submit an application to the higher-ups. He would use his contributions to obtain the recipe and extraordinary ingredients before officially advancing into a Sequence 8 Nighthawk.

of the Holy Cathedral and become a talent for nurturing, but he didn’t want the

had planned to use the time before the Seer potion was completely digested to lay some foundations with the Captain. For example, he would mention that he felt his spirituality become more active whenever he went to the Divination Club, or pretend to casually describe the laws of a Seer that he had derived from

Nighthawks would think that he had unintentionally learned something from Daly when completing

would make the higher-ups focus more on summarizing the laws and discovering

in his heart. He felt that Dunn Smith was a good captain. He had no glaring flaws other than his poor memory. Thus, he wanted to reduce the risk of Dunn losing control

year to avoid any risks. But the continuous coincidences and the red chimney he saw in his

the same time, I can head over to the underground market to see if there are any

quickly as lunchtime slowly approached. Old Neil finished his coffee and cleared the stuff on the table

lessons will come to an end soon. From the test just now, it would seem that you can create charms for yourself

plan for the next few days.”

different from the protective amulets he had given Benson and Melissa. They needed to be carved with

renewed once every two weeks. Also, he needed

the Slumber Charm, and its effect was similar to Dunn Smith’s and Leonard Mitchell’s ability to put someone to sleep with their singing. The second was the Requiem Charm, which was able to soothe ghosts, souls, zombies, and the like. It could also deal with vengeful and evil spirits to a certain extent. The last was the Dream Charm; its abilities allowed the wielder to enter the dream

Nightmare from the Sleepless Sequence, so Dunn and Leonard had no use for these charms. Corpse Collector Frye, Sleepless Royale, and Kenley would bring one or two along with them, but they hadn’t needed them in a long time. They frequently brought their charms back to Old Neil



first before


of the ingredients. He could only hope that he succeeded in making

jacket and hat before returning to the Blackthorn Security Company on the second

walked past the entertainment room, he saw that Leonard and the rest had already

knocked on the Captain’s

in.” Dunn’s mellow voice

pushed the door open and

you catch

rubbed his temples and shook his head in exhaustion. “We didn’t find her at Tingen Station, but according to the telegraph we received from Backlund, a passenger saw her in the first class carriage of the earliest

he had

eyes swept

to capture a Sequence 7 Beyonder. At the very least, we disrupted Trissy’s evil ritual and saved at least forty innocent lives. Furthermore, we understand her situation now. She can no longer commit crimes as

and reported at any time. Sooner or later, she’ll be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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