Lost control? Klein’s heart tightened as he nearly blurted out his question.

Even though Dunn and Old Neil had frequently emphasized the possibilities of losing control and the harm it caused, this was the first time he was experiencing an incident like that. He felt a little horrified, a little lost, a little scared, and a little saddened. He felt extremely mixed emotions.

“Among the cases that we… have to deal with annually, a quarter of them were a result of Beyonders who lost control… And among the quarter of cases, a large number of them are our teammates.” Dunn’s words flashed past Klein’s mind, slowing his reaction.

Old Neil, who had experienced many incidents like this, immediately asked, “Where is the Rampager? What do you need us to do?”

Klein was taken aback from hearing this. He had believed that a sleazy, “half-retired personnel” like Old Neil would find an excuse to reject Swain’s request or extort a huge sum in exchange for his help. Never did Klein expect Old Neil to participate without any hesitation, not minding the differences between Nighthawks and Mandated Punishers.

Klein suddenly understood something when he looked at the serious Old Neil. It didn’t matter if they were Nighthawks, Mandated Punishers, or Machinery Hivemind. Their aim was to stop supernatural powers from harming the innocent and maintain peace and stability in Tingen. If they were met with a dangerous and urgent situation, their sense of duty would propel them to help without hesitation!

Swain answered succinctly, “Be my support!”

He didn’t explain why the person lost control or where the Rampager was. Instead, he made his way to the exit quickly.

This ex-captain of the Mandated Punishers was clearly an old alcoholic, but Klein realized that he could not keep up with the man’s pace. He needed to break into a jog to ensure that he was not left behind.

He turned his head to look at Old Neil, only to see the old Mystery Pryer break into a run.

The three of them didn’t pay any attention to the gazes of the guards on their way there. One of them had an old navy uniform draped over him, another was in a dark classic robe, and the other in a black windbreaker. They charged out of the billiard room and into Evil Dragon Bar.

The customers who were drinking shifted their gazes from the rat-baiting competition to Klein and company.

“Is that Boss Swain?”

“Where’s he going in such a hurry?”

“Did someone default on their loan?”

Amidst the soft murmurs, some of the customers focused their attention back to the cage. They once again broke into an uproar, venting the stresses of their day. However, some of the more perceptive customers felt a faint sense of unease.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Klein, Old Neil, and Swain ran across the road and entered the harbor district.

“On that boat.” Swain slowed down and pointed at a cargo ship not far away. “Two Mandated Punishers are circling the Rampager, preventing him from entering the Tussock River. Help me influence him and bring him under control. Leave the rest to me.”

Old Neil panted for air and said, “Alright, b-but you have to give me a minute. Phew, a minute to recover.”

Swain nodded and didn’t say any more. He charged up to the ship and joined the fight.

Upon hearing the sounds of combat on the ship, Old Neil looked at the somewhat nervous Klein. He took out a piece of silver about the size of a baby’s palm from a hidden pocket near his waist. He then passed the silver to Klein and said, “Slumber Charm. The incantation to activate this amulet is the phrase ‘Evernight’ in ancient Hermes. After you finish the incantation, inject your spirituality into the charm and then throw it at the target after three seconds.”

“Alright!” Klein extended his hand to receive the charm and felt moved.

This charm was carved with Hermes incantations on both sides, as well as the corresponding symbols, Path Numbers, and the spell’s characteristics. He didn’t need to activate his Spirit Vision to feel the deep, serene power flowing within the charm.

Old Neil stood up straight and took out a similar charm from his hidden pocket and held it in his palm. He joked as he walked toward the cargo ship, “Do not be too nervous, relax and think about something else. For example, I lent you that charm. If you’re going to use it, remember to make one for me in return. Of course, you can wait till next month, when you receive a new quota of materials before you do so.”

Old Neil… Klein placed the charm into his left pocket, reached into his holster,

and his cane in

steam and had a chimney, it retained its past fixtures such as its

the sounds of the battle intensified, Klein and Old Neil suddenly heard a loud noise amid the din while searching for a way

fragments flying everywhere. A figure fell through the hole

His gaze

with dark green scales, and a layer of skin had formed between its fingers and

still barely resembling a human. Its scales


the deck slightly, leaving

monster from the side, causing it to

Bam! Bam! Even with the ridiculous muscles Swain had, he was clearly inferior to the monster. Despite having his punches and kicks connect, they were unable to smash through its scales and cause physical harm. Swain was momentarily reduced to a

sense of balance and the efforts of the other Mandated Punishers to shoot and suppress the monster, Klein suspected that this blue-eyed elder would’ve been beaten

Thud! Swain took multiple steps back, then

sense that he was accumulating


his body obscuring another Mandated Punisher’s field of


to escape the ship and jump into the Tussock

the wrinkled, sticky head of the monster, Klein


as he predicted. But it had only hit its scales and failed to fully penetrate its

ear-piercing shriek before it exerted strength with its

a stinking fishy smell hit him, Klein suddenly hunched

felt the ship shake as fragments had

heard an old but deep voice

more times. He couldn’t care about his cane as he lifted his head and revolver in a fluster. All he saw

a dark red flame

who had almost destroyed the side of the

cabin. He approached the creature and pulled back his arm, hitting the monster like

cause any fatal damage. But Klein could sense that whatever the blue-eyed

and made Swain take five steps back in retreat. Each of his steps caused cracks to form on

was about to turn around and jump off the cargo ship, Klein took out

the phrase in Ancient Hermes,

hand turn ice-cold, as if it

think too much about it. He injected his spirituality into the charm, then pulled his arm

the fish-and-human monster had

red flames illuminated the surrounding darkness and the faint explosion


the dock, squirming into a ball. It was temporarily in a

monster’s head when he suddenly saw Swain charge out and jump over, his navy

posture in

had been suppressed erupt. Swain descended from the sky and slammed into the body of the monster. He then straightened his back and landed a heavy fist on


Dark red blood and grayish brain matter laced with the green sticky

a Folk of Rage?” Klein muttered to himself

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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