Klein looked at Swain standing before the monster’s corpse before looking sideways towards the Mandated Punisher who was helping his semi-conscious partner up by the arm. Klein suddenly felt an indescribable sadness.

It was almost impossible for members of the Nighthawks, Mandated Punishers, and the Machinery Hivemind to be known as heroes. The things they did were never made known to the public but only hidden in confidential dockets. But the danger and pain they endured were ever so real.

Perhaps there would be a day when my enemy will be one of my teammates… Klein sighed silently. He felt the heavy weight that all Nighthawks, Mandated Punishers, and Machinery Hivemind carried.

At that moment, Old Neil let out a sigh.

“Let’s go. Let’s not disturb them.”

“Okay.” Klein picked up his cane. Just as he widened his stride, he suddenly noticed that Old Neil was still holding his left hand. He asked, concerned, “Are you hurt?”

Old Neil chuckled briefly before saying, “I got stabbed by one of the shrapnel earlier. If I was still young, I definitely would’ve been able to dodge it. Luckily, it’s just a small cut.”

He moved his right hand slightly to let Klein see the tiny wound that was still lightly bleeding on the back of his left hand.

After he confirmed that it wasn’t a big issue, Klein walked off along the gangway as he sighed.

“Mr. Neil, you’re much calmer than I imagined. Despite being less than two meters away from the monster, you could still chant the incantation calmly and use the charm.”

Although the rampaging Mandated Punisher had leaped towards Klein in the form of a monster, Old Neil was physically very close to him the entire time.

Old Neil chucked at the compliment.

“I’m an experienced Nighthawk. Among the dangerous things that I’ve done, what happened just now isn’t even in my top ten. Once, when I was patrolling Raphael Cemetery with Dunn, I had no idea that a corpse had turned into a zombie and left its tomb to lie in ambush in the shadows of the trees. I passed by without noticing it at all since I was looking for some hidden spot. Heh, you know what I mean. In the end, he leapt onto my back and seized my throat.”

Klein felt gripped by terror when he heard the recollection as he voiced out his guess.

“And under such a situation, you were still calm enough to use a charm? Or did you use some spell that a Mystery Pryer could cast quickly?”

Old Neil stole a glance at him and chortled. “No, Dunn managed to drag that zombie into a slumber in time. I’m telling you this story to tell you that, as a Nighthawk, you not only have to believe in yourself, you also have to trust your teammates too.”

Klein fell silent for a few seconds. Then, he replied both sincerely and jokingly, “Mr. Neil, you are so wise today.”

Old Neil did a tiny hop and found his footing on the pier. He replied in disdain, “That’s because you only get to know the most trivial side of me usually.”

The two of them left the harbor and walked towards Evil Dragon Bar.

Klein put away his revolver, set his cane aside, and took off his jacket. Under the light of the gas street lamp, he started checking if there was any damage to his jacket.

“How lucky. There are only a few splinters and a patch that got dirtied…” He removed the splinters and roughly patted the dust away. Then, he put it back on.

Old Neil looked at him with a smile and mimicked his tone by adding leisurely. “What a pity, there’s no way to claim compensation.”

at a loss

a person! He emphasized in

vine-leaf pocket watch and flipped it open

there’s nothing else, I have to head home,” he turned to

You don’t need to think about the Slumber Charm. I’ll get Swain to compensate me. He’s a rich man after all. Of course, I won’t go today. I have to consider

the end, he

Daffodil Street. It was already past seven in the evening, and the sky had already

out his keys to open the door and saw Melissa taking off her fishnet hat and setting it on the clothes rack. He

“You just got back?”

his mixed emotions suddenly vanished, and he felt

practical lesson in school today,” Melissa explained

and smelled the fragrance of food. He was stunned and asked subconsciously, “Then, who’s cooking

both of them answered the

tone had a

how to cook, you two would wait for me to come home and watch me cook with anticipation. Actually, cooking is so easy.

Melissa exchanged glances and remained

and took off his hat, Klein

it’s time to hire a maidservant. It’s very unhealthy to not eat dinner

us when we chat. That’ll make me feel uncomfortable,” Melissa said,

smile as he took off

“I don’t mind…”

his expression froze, and

jacket. I still

happened. “Don’t mind her. When we get home, we can let the maidservant rest in her

a cuisine that

stood at the kitchen

time, we can go over to Tingen Family Servant Assistance Association. They have a great deal of experience

then!” Klein ignored Melissa’s unwilling

Borough, Viscount Glaint’s

Annie. They came to

lightweight dancing heels slowly with Annie’s assistance. She then

up the hood, Audrey stood before the full mirror and examined

face was covered by the

something I’ve been

her hood. With the fine checkered

ankle boots, looked to the side,

said, “But you have to make sure that your

trust me. I have kept my promise every single time in the past.” Audrey smiled and leaned in towards her personal

pulled up her hood. Turning

side door of the viscount’s residence where she saw that there was already a carriage waiting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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