“There’s some sort of problem there,” Klein said with a serious tone, pointing at the steps separating the living room and dining room.

He once read in the Nighthawks’ confidential records that if similar situations appeared in one’s spiritual perception, it usually implied that there was something evil and corrupted hidden at the target location. It was best not to interact with it if one wasn’t confident; otherwise, one might lose their life. Sometimes, even a mere glance could result in irreversible damage.

Dunn looked over, and similarly, with his high spiritual perception, he immediately sensed something wrong. He turned to look at Klein and instructed calmly, “Divine and see if we would be successful in our investigation.”

Captain didn’t get me to divine before we entered the castle. He was rather confident… That means that he believes that the hidden thing might be more dangerous than the wraith. Klein nodded in silence. He holstered his revolver and handed his cane to Frye.

He then released the topaz bracelet within his sleeve, held the silver chain with his left hand and silently recited a suitable statement.

Instantly, his eyes darkened as a breeze started spiraling around him.

“The investigation of the hidden place in the ancient castle would be successful.

“The investigation of the hidden place in the ancient castle would be successful.”

After reciting the statement seven times, Klein’s eyes regained their normal color. He saw the dangling topaz rotating clockwise.

It wasn’t very obvious, but it was unmistakably rotating clockwise!

That meant that the investigation would be successful.

Klein, who was already a true Seer, immediately nodded at Dunn and Frye.

“The danger will be manageable by us, or there could be no danger at all.”

Dunn pinned the Mutated Sun Sacred Emblem to the left side of his chest, then pressed down on his hat. He briskly walked toward the steps and expertly started searching for a mechanism.

Frye, who had picked up the gauntlet, handed Klein’s cane back to him. He grabbed his revolver and cautiously scanned the surroundings, as if he was afraid that an enemy would suddenly appear.

I’m still not professional enough… as a Nighthawk… Klein geared himself up and took out his revolver, and turned alert as well.

A few minutes later, it was unknown what the kneeling Dunn Smith triggered as heavy sputtering sounds emanated from the staircase.

The floor split open, revealing a set of steps heading down. A cold and corrupted vibe emanated, seemingly condensing into something corporeal.

Dunn glanced over and removed Sealed Artifact 3-0782 from his chest. He tossed it directly into the trap door.


there are dead spirits within, they would definitely toss 3-0782 back out… That would

corrupted feeling soon dissolved away like snow meeting the sun. Warmness and purity blanketed

will stay here and prevent other enemies from destroying the mechanism.” Dunn

forward and arrived next to Dunn. Frye nodded, not

his footsteps

light, for a Beyonder that went down the Sleepless

hindered by such an

taking a few steps down, Dunn suddenly turned around and looked at Klein. “I forgot that you don’t

have my Spirit Vision.”

cool Captain from before was indeed not

was screened by a gray film. Even though it was very blurry, it was

and his mental state is fine too… Klein carefully extended his feet and made his way

only took about fifteen steps to reach the

Artifact 3-0782 was lying there, releasing its purity and warmth. It also radiated

with the help of the illumination. He surveyed the surroundings and noticed that it wasn’t a huge basement. It was no longer cold and sinister, but the

middle of the basement was a black coffin, with dark red

been pushed open slightly, allowing one to see

to pick up the

to prevent the dead within from becoming a

his decent mysticism knowledge to determine that this was an ancient ritual to prevent

normal circumstances, who would have nothing better to do than guard against their loved one from reanimating? Hmm, the people who helped bury the corpse must not be family… And if they placed the coffin in the basement instead of a tomb, they

Artifact 3-0782 again, approached the

probably poisoned to

about 1300 years ago? He became a wraith in the

appeared recently. It’s only a fifteen-minute walk from the town to the castle. Throughout the

Klein nodded indiscernibly.

say is that someone came here recently, opened the coffin, and took away the head

preserves its resentment within the coffin. When the coffin was

the coffin, so he’s not an ordinary person… Besides, why did

there should be some reason other than the ritual. He could’ve been a Beyonder when he was alive, perhaps a descendant one or two generations

always special. His head might be usable in some kind of ritual or in some

in town and investigate to see if anyone was injured before in their youth. Well, if they

He quickly searched the basement but

tried using ritualistic magic to make a sketch of the “guest” that entered the basement, but because it had been more than a month

then took Frye’s place, allowing the expert on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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