This can’t be right… How could Mr. Azik be the first in the so-called line of barons, Baron Lamud? This is a figure who lived fourteen or fifteen hundred years ago! No way, how can I be sure that the person in the portrait is the first Baron Lamud? Klein looked at the oil painting, his mind buzzing in confusion. It was like everyone around him had become monsters or a dream where the entire world was filled with gods.

He looked up and stared at the blond middle-aged man. He extended his hand to grab his revolver from his armpit holster and said in a deep voice, “This is not an antique. If you don’t clarify the situation, I will arrest you and charge you with fraud!”

He didn’t care if prosecution fell under the police department. His only goal was to threaten the man to get information!

At the same time, Klein clicked his left molars twice to activate his Spirit Vision. Then, he looked at his target’s emotional color changes.

The blond man jumped in fright and said in a panicked, muffled voice, “No, I’m not sure if it’s an antique either. No, I heard that it’s an antique, but I don’t know much about such things. I really have no idea. I don’t even know many words, yea—words.”

He eyes darted around anxiously, seemingly about to cry for help.

Just then, he saw Klein adjust his revolver’s cylinder and hammer. He looked as though he was going to shoot a suspect that resisted.

He suddenly stood straight and stopped looking around.

“Where did you get the oil painting?” Klein asked heavily.

The blond man’s lips quivered as he said with a fawning smile, “Officer, this is what my grandfather found in the ancient castle, more than forty years ago. An outer wall and the room on the second floor collapsed, revealing these items, items that people couldn’t find in the past. One of them was the oil painting. No, no, no, not this oil painting. The original oil painting was torn and couldn’t be preserved. So, my grandfather found someone to make a copy of the painting. Mm, the one you saw just now, I didn’t lie to you. An oil painting from forty years ago could really be considered as an antique…”

“Are you sure that this is the portrait of the first Baron Lamud?” Klein stroked the trigger and made sure the man’s gaze didn’t move an inch.

The blond man chuckled and said, “I’m not sure, but I’m guessing so.”

“Reason?” Klein nearly laughed at the man’s shamelessness.

“Because there wasn’t any labels on the oil painting,” the blond man replied seriously for once. “Just like I’m called the Scoundrel Gray, my father is called the Curly-Haired Gray, and only my grandfather was the real Gray.”

Klein exhaled silently and asked, “Where’s your grandfather?”

“In the cemetery, he’s been buried there for almost two decades. Next to him is my father who was buried three years back,” the blond man answered honestly.

After Klein asked a few questions from different angles, he adjusted the cylinder in front of the blond man and put it back into his armpit holster.

He put away his police identification and turned around in his black windbreaker before walking towards the motel with his hands stuffed into his pockets. He walked quietly along the street underneath the dim light that was shining out from the houses that lined both sides of the street.

I wonder if the town has the

a person from the past, at least a thousand years

hair, he looks almost identical to Mr.

position in other universities in Backlund and came to Tingen, perhaps it was

another possibility. Such as, the man in the portrait is

thought of this, Klein felt a jolt. He nearly stumbled on the

knowledge from the world

reasons, such as being a vampire.

right. When has there ever been

I could clearly feel his body

he isn’t afraid of the sun. He once competed in a rowing competition with other

or some other factors bestowed him with a long life, and the price for it is memory loss! Man, taking into consideration his various dreams, can I presume that he loses his memory as part of a cycle? Every few decades, he forgets his past and gains new life. Then, his dreams are the lives that he has lived before… Heh heh, I think I’ve read something like that

on divination to verify this. I have to look for the traces of the lives that Mr. Azik lived, traces of him not having a childhood, but starting directly as an

guess. However, he temporarily couldn’t eliminate

chaotic thoughts and considered carefully

a Beyonder that lived for a thousand years, his ability would

it would be hard to say if he will remain kind when I find clues

To involve the Nighthawks would result in a non-trivial possibility of harming

like I must divine this matter in the world above

the decision and returned to the hotel

the opportunity to get another room at the cost of one

spirituality wall with the assistance of Holy Night Powder. Then, he took four steps counterclockwise, went through

palace stood tall and silent while the ancient, mottled bronze table and twenty-two high chairs remained

took the seat of honor and made a brown goatskin and black

the pen and wrote seriously: “I should tell

topaz pendant from his left sleeve and did a spirit pendulum

spirit pendulum divination resulted in the pendulum spinning counterclockwise, which

the topaz pendant, Klein thought about it and decided to make an attempt with dream divination, just

result of hiding matters related to

times silently, and leaned backwards to

distant world. He saw that he was struggling while drowning in a sea of

up from the blood sea. The owner of the hand was Azik with bronze skin and a small mole near

dark and gloomy emperor’s final resting

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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