The omnipotent and omniscient God… The Lord that created everything… Klein leaned back and maintained a profound posture while he ruminated over the words that the youth from the City of Silver had said.

He was no stranger to a “Lord that created everything.” The Creator mentioned in the The Book of Storms, The Revelation of Evernight, and other urban myths referred to the Creator with similar titles. It was also the way various secret organizations like the Aurora Order described the True Creator.

But this was the first time Klein was hearing of an “omnipotent and omniscient God” in this world. Be it the Evernight Goddess, Lord of Storms, and the God of Steam and Machinery, none of them claimed to be omniscient or omnipotent.

If the City of Silver was really in the Forsaken Land of the Gods, then the Forsaken Land of the Gods would truly belong to this world. The “omnipotent and omniscient God” might be the title of the Creator that was used by the living in ancient times…Klein looked towards the young man opposite him in thought. He looked at the emotional colors of pain and sorrow.

When Derrick felt The Fool’s gaze, he lowered his head involuntarily.

He recalled the legends that his parents had told him. He said slowly and sadly, “When the sun disappeared from the sky, when the clouds were ripped and torn apart, when lightning and thunder became our rulers, and the monsters lurking in the dark suddenly emerged, ones so terrifying beyond one’s imagination, they destroyed one city after another in the Kingdom of Silver. Humanity’s Dark Ages had arrived.

“The remaining experts in the City of Silver then relied on their united power and two magical items before they finally warded off the attack of the Things of the Dark. They gradually eradicated the monsters within a one day journey of the city, and they established a city-state that protected the last light of human civilization.”

A standard textbook description… Klein couldn’t help but comment in his head.

The young man’s description made him feel that the City of Silver was in a different world than the Northern Continent.

Maybe this is the unique characteristic of the Forsaken Land of the Gods? He thought, without revealing his emotions.

Derrick calmed his breathing and continued, “During the first few decades, plants couldn’t grow. The City of Silver had a severe lack of food, and we could only hunt dark creatures or mutated animals to relieve our hunger. The population dropped drastically. Fortunately, we found Black-Faced Grass. It could survive under such circumstances, and it became our only reliable and stable food source.

“It was said to be the final intervention that the magnificent God left for us. It allowed one generation after another to live on in the City of Silver. It persisted in the Dark Ages for 2582 years.

in the City of Silver, we call periods of frequent lightning ‘day,’ and when the lightning subsides, we call it ‘night.’

was glad that he hadn’t talked about “tomorrow,” but

have now explored all of the original territory and nearby cities. We are advancing towards the darker and more terrifying depths of the dark. At the border, we found cities with strange architectural style, but they were destroyed at some point. We suspect that they were sanctuaries

reference to monsters that hide in the dark, ones that are beyond imagination. Klein nodded

Giant King. Hence, the Beyonder chain that we are in control of is the Giant pathway, also known as the Divine Blood Warrior sequence pathway… When we

Klein’s mind jolted. Although he didn’t change his posture

the same history? The Second Epoch’s history… Hmm, killing a monster causes it to drop a formula? Is this a game? No, there’s another possibility. Those monsters were once human, Beyonders…

Fool didn’t reply. He clenched his teeth, pondered, and said, “The names of the Giant Sequence pathway are Sequence 9 the Beyonder Warrior, Sequence 8 Gladiator, Sequence 7 Weapons Master, Sequence 6 Dawn Paladin, Sequence 5 Guardian, and

time I’ve heard something like this! Klein felt delighted at the fact that he finally learned one of the names of the higher Sequences.

control is very similar to this! Sequence 9 Warrior, Sequence 8 Pugilist, Sequence 7 Weapons Master! Due to the limits of his security clearance, Klein only knew the titles of the first three sequences that the Church of the God

The complete Sequence that the Church of the God of Combat mastered is the so-called Giant Sequence pathway… It is said that there was a God that emerged in the Third Epoch, which was the Cataclysm Epoch, to inherit the estate of the Giant King? Or could it be that He Himself was an ancient Giant? Klein analyzed and judged while he

Derrick continued to explain.

highest position in the council is

High-Sequence Beyonders! Demigod-like experts! These three alone could destroy the Tarot Club a hundred times over… Klein felt a little afraid. He had yet to

at Sequence 9, it was unlikely that he would gain the attention

Aurora Order that wrote a letter to Mr. Z, what was his name again? He kept mentioning the “Lord’s lamb”… Klein maintained his leisurely posture and

very strange, and very scary. It is said that she once won against an evil spirit at the level of a High-Sequence

before Shepherd? I find them familiar.

never changed,” Derrick refuted instinctively. He then

was satisfied when his guesses

the name of Sequence 9 from the Aurora

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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